Small changes in titles to plotConcHist and plotFluxHist
rmhirsch49 opened this issue · 2 comments
rmhirsch49 commented
In plotConcHist, if we have plotGenConc = TRUE then in the third line of the title it should say "(red dots)" and not "(dots)" -- without that it is confusing because we have red dots and black dots, we need to distinguish them.
Same issue in plotFluxHist, if we have plotGenFlux = TRUE we should do that same change to the title.
ldecicco-USGS commented
Here is my working examples:
plotConcHist(eK, yearStart, yearEnd, plotGenConc = TRUE)
plotConcHist(eK, yearStart, yearEnd, plotGenConc = TRUE, plotAnnual = FALSE)
plotConcHist(eK, yearStart, yearEnd, plotGenConc = FALSE, plotAnnual = FALSE)
plotConcHist(eK, yearStart, yearEnd, plotGenConc = TRUE, plotAnnual = TRUE, plotFlowNorm = FALSE)
plotConcHist(eK, yearStart, yearEnd, plotGenConc = FALSE, plotAnnual = TRUE, plotFlowNorm = FALSE)
plotConcHist(eK, yearStart, yearEnd, plotGenConc = TRUE, plotAnnual = FALSE, plotFlowNorm = FALSE)
Does that look about right?
rmhirsch49 commented
I think it looks great. Thanks. Bob