USGS internal data pulls are possible
thodson-usgs opened this issue · 0 comments
thodson-usgs commented
I need to document this, but internal NWIS data pulls can be made by setting the access kwarg.
For example
nwis.get_record(sites='05404147',service='iv', start='2021-01-01', access='3')'
Notes from the R package source:
setAccess = function(access="public"){
access = match.arg(access, c('public','internal','cooperator','USGS'))
pkg.env$access = '3'
message('setting access to internal')
} else if(access=="cooperator"){
pkg.env$access = '1'
message('setting access to cooperator')
} else if(access=="USGS"){
pkg.env$access = '2'
message('setting access to all USGS Water Science Centers')
} else {
pkg.env$access = NULL
message('setting access to public')