
Dataframe not returned from get_water_use()

putmanannie opened this issue · 1 comments

Today I tried using the get_water_use() function

from dataretrieval import nwis

wudict = {'AZ':['Mohave', 'Graham', 'Cochise', 'Pinal', 'Gila', 
                'Maricopa', 'Yavapai'],
          'NM':['Catron', 'Grant'],

for state in wudict.keys():
    counties = wudict[state]    
    wu = nwis.get_water_use(years='ALL', state=state, counties=counties, 
    wu_df = wu[0]

and the return did not produce a dataframe, instead I got something that was coerced to a dataframe (wu_df) but is definitely not the return I was looking for (see image below for picture of what was returned).


What's going on here? I tried updating the package, but that didn't solve it.


@putmanannie I can't provide clarity on what the return you obtained is, but I can note that the get_water_use() function expects the input for the "counties" keyword argument to be the county ID, rather than the name of the county (see the docstring). This is admittedly a bit onerous to look up and figure out (see, adding an automatic conversion from county name to county ID for the API call would be a nice bit of functionality to add to the package.

Hope that helps, let me know if we can close the issue.