
Why same files but not same effect

Closed this issue · 7 comments


@Epilepsy-YDF You need also to update your dependences like Bootstrap or jquery. (Just push your bower_components folder)

好吧还有一个问题,我在_config.yml里填的Google Analytics ID是没错的,可是打开网站之后查看源代码,发现ID不对。。。。

@Epilepsy-YDF To download all dependences, you must run following two commands:

Then you will have bower_components on your local. Just push it!

Google Analytics ID 那里是一个BUG 我现在修复下

@Epilepsy-YDF Google Analytics ID 修复了。你从主库更新下代码看看

The others contributors can't follow issues in Chinese. At least, write the title in English please.

@LM450N You are right, I will pay attention about it :D Thanks for reminding