Data files associated with Chow et al., 2018:
A parasitic nematode harnesses novel repeats and an Argonaute protein for small RNA secretion in extracellular vesicles
Chow FWN, Koutsovoulos G, Ovando-Vázquez C, Laetsch DR, Bermúdez-Barrientos JR, Claycomb JM, Blaxter M, Abreu-Goodger C, Buck AH.
hbake.functional_annotation.txt.gz: InterProScan output that has been converted to 'KinFin funtional annotation' format (gzipped).
hbake.Orthogroups.I3_0.txt.gz: OrthoFinder output at MCL 3.0 (gzipped).
hbake.rnai_pathway.Orthogroups.I3_0.txt: OrthoFinder OrthoGroups listed in Figure 6.
hbake.tree.nwk: Phylogenetic tree of species in the analysis.
hbake.SequenceIDs.txt.gz: OrthoFinder SequenceIDs file (gzipped).
hbake.SpeciesClassification.txt: KinFin SpeciesClassification file.
hbake.kinfin_results.tar.gz: KinFin output (tar/gzipped).
hbake.ceWAGO.ids.txt: C. elegans WAGO proteins from C. elegans
hbake.curated_exWAGO_orthologs.faa; manually curated exWAGO orthologues.