
Deleting Items

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Zabipi does not appear to correct support the .delete methods as defined in the zabbix API:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "item.delete",
"params": [
"auth": "3a57200802b24cda67c4e4010b50c065",
"id": 1

Zabipi seems to insists of key pairs.

Can you provide a example of how to correctly pass the above or confirm if this is a bug.


James Tutton

Sorry just realised that looks like you have fixed this in the latest commit. Also not sure if your aware but 2.4 now uses user.login API method. 1 line change in your code but maybe worth adding a note to the README.md or a flag somewhere

Thank you very much for your feedback, i've just updated Zabipi.pm to include your suggestion about using user.login when Zabbix version >=2.4