a new php 7 release...?

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according to the latest changes in the german wikipedia, MySQLDumper from github is compatible with PHP 7...

if that's correct, wouldn't it be a good idea to release a new version, to make it clear for everyone, that this project is still maintained and also easy to decide which version should be used? - and if not, a correction of the wikipedia-article would be appropriate.

thanks in advance for some clarification!

Sorry, I tried it with a DB on PHP7.0 and id did NOT work. After changing the DB tu PHP 5.6 it worked. Could anybody explain more about that? It is very strange.

Thanks in advance aswell!

MyOOS has some fixes for PHP 7.2 maybe it’s useful here too: r23/MyOOS@7dd3314#diff-b0f2169aa609c42c1bc96d4aa5da3aea.