
Solutions to Project Euler by Developers Student Club BUK Members

Primary LanguagePython

Project Euler

What is Project Euler?

Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve. Although mathematics will help you arrive at elegant and efficient methods, the use of a computer and programming skills will be required to solve most problems.

To learn more about Project Euler click here

Providing a Solution

  • Create a file on this directory with name problem-[ID} where [ID] can be 1 through 50 and your programming language extensinon e.g. problem-1.py
  • Add the codes for that problem in the language of choice 😀 - we'll like to see various solutions in various languages.
  • You can push to the master branch, kindly create a Pull Request for that, if you need to be added to this repo as a contributor - Kindly open a ticket here

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First 50 Project Euler Problems

ID Description / Title Solved By
1 Multiples of 3 and 5 807615
2 Even Fibonacci numbers 646418
3 Largest prime factor 462089
4 Largest palindrome product 410049
5 Smallest multiple 417559
6 Sum square difference 420115
7 10001st prime 359316
8 Largest product in a series 302158
9 Special Pythagorean triplet 305978
10 Summation of primes 280197
11 Largest product in a grid 202279
12 Highly divisible triangular number 189504
13 Large sum 194999
14 Longest Collatz sequence 194842
15 Lattice paths 160999
16 Power digit sum 196967
17 Number letter counts 130666
18 Maximum path sum I 125388
19 Counting Sundays 116650
20 Factorial digit sum 171959
21 Amicable numbers 125996
22 Names scores 116162
23 Non-abundant sums 89381
24 Lexicographic permutations 99275
25 1000-digit Fibonacci number 134498
26 Reciprocal cycles 72047
27 Quadratic primes 75168
28 Number spiral diagonals 94373
29 Distinct powers 90473
30 Digit fifth powers 94727
31 Coin sums 72771
32 Pandigital products 61058
33 Digit cancelling fractions 61734
34 Digit factorials 81316
35 Circular primes 73277
36 Double-base palindromes 77132
37 Truncatable primes 63395
38 Pandigital multiples 54061
39 Integer right triangles 62928
40 Champernowne's constant 69193
41 Pandigital prime 58580
42 Coded triangle numbers 64516
43 Sub-string divisibility 51126
44 Pentagon numbers 49702
45 Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal 61470
46 Goldbach's other conjecture 52554
47 Distinct primes factors 49578
48 Self powers 98361
49 Prime permutations 49635
50 Consecutive prime sum 53451

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