Remove the text in the fields under CVFragment, keeping the required hints.

Closed this issue · 7 comments

The section for Professional Experience has fields that are filled with texts. Those texts should be replaced with hints. Filling the text option should be given if the user wants to write something there.

This small bug needs to be solved first before moving to issue #7


I would like to work on this issue. Can you elaborate a little more so that I can get a complete idea about it?

Hello, @sugatobagchi . I will assign this issue to you. To get into a discussion or explanation regarding this join our discord channel and we will be there to solve your doubts.

For now, if you have installed the app you will see that the fields are edit texts and they are filled. We want that those edit text contain hints and not texts filled.

Has this issue been started to work upon? @sugatobagchi

@adrishyantee I cannot fix the issue. I request you to unassign me from this and I hope to contribute on some other issue in future.

Hello, Can I pick up this issue I already Found an Error for this issue.

@prince02765 I assigned you!

@prince02765 Can you go through the issue once again and check it for the repo. I think the text fields are not removed. Please validate this. Even after adding fields, The previous items remain the same.