Saved model is showing wrong prediction when running separately in Question Answering task
anis016 opened this issue · 1 comments
anis016 commented
I was checking out Question and Answering using Dynamic Memory Network (DMN) for BabI dataset from this source: 10.Dynamic-Memory-Network-for-Question-Answering.ipynb
I modified it above a bit so that I can save the model and later run the prediction/inference separately. src: dmn_babi.ipynb and I saved my model as 'dmn_qa'. Moreover, the inference is showing correctly when I am running wholly from the Ipython Notebook.
Later I added 2 separate files which are
- - contains the DMN model, src:
- - contains the loading of the model and inference part of the code. src:
However, when I run the prediction part now the output is not coming correctly. Please help, where I am doing wrong here.
Best Regards
ghks4098 commented
me too