
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'threestudio-4dfy'

Trainingzy opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, thanks for your great work.

When I tried to run the code with the following command, the ModuleNotFoundError is raised:
python launch.py --config custom/threestudio-4dfy/configs/fourdfy_stage_1_low_vram.yaml --train --gpu 0 system.prompt_processor.prompt="a dog riding a skateboard"

My code structure is as follows:

   - launch.py
   - custom
      - threestudio-4dfy
         - configs/fourdfy_stage_1_low_vram.yaml

Have you tried threestudio at the same level as launch.py and custom?

Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 7 04 12 PM

Hi, Have you tried threestudio at the same level as launch.py and custom?

Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 7 04 12 PM

Hi, thanks for the reply. Yes, the threestudio folder is at the same level as launch.py and custom in my code.

Now, I solved the problem, but I do not know what causes this....

Specifically, I just set spawn as False then it fixed.


Hi, @Trainingzy .

I have also encountered the same problem sometimes. I also set 'spawn' to false to resolve it. However, I can't reproduce it anymore even when I set 'spawn' to true. I guess that it might be a problem occurring during the initial loading of the prompt processor.

I have found that the issues are caused by a conflict in register naming. I plan to address this by implementing a check for all extensions in the coming days.