
Cannot import Gwaihir: cannot allocate memory in static TLS block

DSimonne opened this issue · 4 comments

After typing:

from gwaihir.gui import gui

One gets the following error:

ImportError: /lib/powerpc64le-linux-gnu/libgomp.so.1: cannot allocate memory in static TLS block

We tested different step by step imports:

  • Importing directly Gwaihir does not work

But this works:

  • Restart the kernel
  • Import xrayutilites
  • import vtk
  • import gwaihir

Why ?

Only seem to happen on the p9, needs to test at SixS to see if it is really the case

Good point indeed. From what I read on the Internet, it could be also linked to some openmp configuration issues. We might need to open a trouble ticket at ESRF.

Yes, Vincent is on it, he said it could be nice if we manage to reproduce the error with a few imports.

I think it is the same in the terminal as well , but always linked to the import of Gwaihir

Yes it's the same error while loading in a terminal. Importing xrayutilities only does the same error as well !