
google translate during calls

Closed this issue · 12 comments

would be a nice idea for the languages that actually work
maybe a (GT [Russian -> English]) addition to mark that google translate is being used

  • make it configurable
  • VIP only (or is that greedy)

vip only is kinda greedy

google translate would be disabled by default (*411 menu configuration?) and would need to be enabled manually, which while activating it (needs manage messages like vip menu (i think)) would require you to input a language to translate to (ex: english) and the bot would use google's "auto translate" function

Why would it need to be enabled? You can simply respond with a flag for it to translate.

hmm yea makes since

found out that google's official translate api is paid

but found out we can directly invoke the api at translate.googleapis.com without authorization.
ill try and rig something up by tomorrow as a POC

You really think Google would like that? Also I would assume that without authorization there's a small limit

googles could api for translating for projects is paid

hence googles official api

POC: https://google-translate-api.glitch.me/?q=que%20es%20un%20queso
put anything in the query (will be auto-translated to english if no thing specified)
just made it with glitch so i can just have it up on the web

This idea was accepted and incorporated into our v4 ideas. Will close it to keep issues clean.