
Switch to JSON Data Representation

DaGeRe opened this issue · 1 comments

Using JAXB in the client application is cumbersome, since this requires an appropriate library to be on the classpath. If jaxb < 3.0 is used, the packages need to be javax.xml, otherweise jakarta.xml. The update to jaxb 3.x will render some applications unanalyzable. Therefore, data should be represented as JSON.

This requires the following tasks:

  • Define a class structure for measurement data, which can be serialized as JSON
  • Define a transformation of XML data to the class structure
  • Automatically serialize to the JSON format
  • Automatically convert existing XML data to JSON data and remove the old files

This should be transparent to end users. JAXB classes should only require to be loaded if .xml data are found.

This should be implemented for 1.1.0.

This is finished and released.