
Wunderlist Javascript SDK

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Wunderlist Javascript SDK

The Wunderlist JS SDK simplifies interacting with the Wunderlist API. It can be used both in the browser and on the server side.

Note: Before you can start using Wunderlist API you need to register your app.

Basic Usage


var WunderlistSDK = require('wunderlist');
var wunderlistAPI = new WunderlistSDK({
  'accessToken': 'a user access_token',
  'clientID': 'your client_id'

  .done(function (lists) {
    /* do stuff */
  .fail(function () {
    console.error('there was a problem');


Include the SDK somewhere:

  <script type="text/javascript" src="/dist/wunderlist.sdk.js"></script>

... it can be now loaded from a global namespace ...

var WunderlistSDK = window.wunderlist.sdk;

... or as an AMD module (if an AMD loader was present before the sdk was loaded) ...

define(['wunderlist.sdk'], function (WunderlistSDK) {
  // do stuff with wunderlist by getting an instance of the sdk through WunderlistSDK#start

Get an instance of the SDK:

// Returns an instance of the Wunderlist SDK setup with the correct client ID and user access token
// and sets up a single WebSocket connection for REST over socket proxying
var WunderlistAPI = new WunderlistSDK({
  'accessToken': 'a user token',
  'clientID': 'your application id'

WunderlistAPI.initialized.done(function () {
  // Where handleListData and handleError are functions
  // 'http' here can be replaced with 'socket' to use a WebSocket connection for all requests
    // handleListData will be called with the object parsed from the response JSON
    // handleError will be called with the error/event

Advanced Usage

All the available API services are exposed on the wunderlist.sdk constructor as services. This allows creating an instance of a single service rather than all services for the entire API.

'use strict';

var sdk = require('wunderlist');
var oauthConfig = require('../../config/oauth.json');

  'logLevel': 'error',
  'logPattern': '*'

function getService (context, service) {

  var options = {
    'accessToken': context.session.access_token,
    'clientID': oauthConfig.clientId,
    'maxHttpRequests': 1000,
    'checkHealth': false

  return new sdk.services[service]({
    'config': options

module.exports = {
  'get': getService


Open /docs/index.html in your browser for the full JS documentation, or from the /docs path if you are running the development server.


The Wunderlist Javascript SDK is built with Wunderbits, lo-dash, node.js, grunt and some other stuff

Get started

If you are on a vanilla system, you need some tools

Make yourself owner of /usr/local:

$ sudo chown -R whoami:staff /usr/local

One time setup:

$ make install

Clone the repo & start developing

$ git clone git@github.com:wunderlist/wunderlist.js.git
$ cd wunderlist.js
$ make start

Run tests

Run development server

$ make start

This will install all dependencies (via npm) if needed and start the server. By default the server runs on port 5020. You can configure this by setting the PORT environment variable, via the command line (i.e. env PORT=1234 make start).

Run unit tests

$ make unit

Watch unit tests (for development)

$ make watch

Debug (with node-inspector)

$ make debug

Run benchmark tests

$ make benchmarks

Run specific tests in node (run mocha directly)

$ ./node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha --require specs/helper.js --grep "SchemaValidator" --watch --reporter spec specs/**/*.spec.js

Run specific tests in the browser

just click on a suite to use that as the grep pattern


Build documentation

$ make documentation