
Adding group property to Emitter class

Closed this issue · 1 comments


I don't know how to make a pull request in github.
But I modified the Emitter class in order to set group to particles.
package citrus.objects.common

import citrus.core.CitrusEngine;
import citrus.core.CitrusObject;
import citrus.view.blittingview.BlittingArt;
import citrus.view.blittingview.BlittingView;

 * An emitter creates particles at a specified rate with specified distribution properties. You can set the emitter's x and y
 * location at any time as well as change the graphic of the particles that the emitter makes.
public class Emitter extends CitrusObject
     * The X position where the particles will emit from.
    public var x:Number = 0;

     * The Y position where the particles will emit from.
    public var y:Number = 0;

     * In milliseconds, how often the emitter will release new particles.
    public var emitFrequency:Number = 300;

     * The number of particles that the emitter will release during each emission.
    public var emitAmount:uint = 1;

     * In milliseconds, how long the particles will last before being recycled.
    public var particleLifeSpan:Number = 3000;

     * The X force applied to particle velocity, in pixels per frame.
    public var gravityX:Number = 0;

     * The Y force applied to particle velocity, in pixels per frame.
    public var gravityY:Number = 0;

     * A number between 0 and 1 to create air resistance. Lower numbers create slow floatiness like a feather.
    public var dampingX:Number = 1;

     * A number between 0 and 1 to create air resistance. Lower numbers create slow floatiness like a feather.
    public var dampingY:Number = 1;

     * The minimum initial impulse velocity that a particle can have via the randomly generated impulse on the X axis.
    public var minImpulseX:Number = -10;

     * The maximum initial impulse velocity that a particle can have via the randomly generated impulse on the X axis.
    public var maxImpulseX:Number = 10;

     * The minimum initial impulse velocity that a particle can have via the randomly generated impulse on the Y axis.
    public var minImpulseY:Number = -10;

     * The maximum initial impulse velocity that a particle can have via the randomly generated impulse on the Y axis.
    public var maxImpulseY:Number = 10;

     * In milliseconds, how long the emitter lasts before destroying itself. If the value is -1, it lasts forever.
    public var emitterLifeSpan:int = -1;

     * The width deviation from the x position that a particle can be created via a randomly generated number.
    public var emitAreaWidth:Number = 0;

     * The height deviation from the y position that a particle can be created via a randomly generated number.
    public var emitAreaHeight:Number = 0;

    /* The group is similar to a z-index sorting. Default is 0, 1 is over. */
    public var group:uint = 0;

    private var _particles:Vector.<EmitterParticle> = new Vector.<EmitterParticle>();
    private var _recycle:Array = [];
    private var _graphic:*;
    private var _particlesCreated:uint = 0;
    private var _lastEmission:Number = 0;
    private var _birthTime:Number = -1;

     * Makes a particle emitter. 
     * @param   name The name of the emitter.
     * @param   graphic The graphic class to use to create each particle.
     * @param   x The X position where the particles will emit from.
     * @param   y The Y position where the particles will emit from.
     * @param   emitFrequency In milliseconds, how often the emitter will release new particles.
     * @param   emitAmount The number of particles that the emitter will release during each emission.
     * @param   particleLifeSpan In milliseconds, how long the particles will last before being recycled.
     * @param   gravityX The X force applied to particle velocity, in pixels per frame.
     * @param   gravityY The Y force applied to particle velocity, in pixels per frame.
     * @param   dampingX A number between 0 and 1 to create air resistance. Lower numbers create slow floatiness like a feather.
     * @param   dampingY A number between 0 and 1 to create air resistance. Lower numbers create slow floatiness like a feather.
     * @param   minImpulseX The minimum initial impulse velocity that a particle can have via the randomly generated impulse on the X axis.
     * @param   maxImpulseX The maximum initial impulse velocity that a particle can have via the randomly generated impulse on the X axis.
     * @param   minImpulseY The minimum initial impulse velocity that a particle can have via the randomly generated impulse on the Y axis.
     * @param   maxImpulseY The maximum initial impulse velocity that a particle can have via the randomly generated impulse on the Y axis.
     * @param   emitterLifeSpan In milliseconds, how long the emitter lasts before destroying itself. If the value is -1, it lasts forever.
     * @param   emitAreaWidth The width deviation from the x position that a particle can be created via a randomly generated number.
     * @param   emitAreaHeight The height deviation from the y position that a particle can be created via a randomly generated number.
     * @return An emitter.
    public static function Make(name:String,
                                emitterLifeSpan:Number = -1,
                                emitAreaWidth:Number = 0,
                                emitAreaHeight:Number = 0):Emitter
        return new Emitter(name, {  graphic: graphic, x: x, y: y, emitFrequency: emitFrequency, emitAmount: emitAmount, particleLifeSpan: particleLifeSpan,
                                    gravityX: gravityX, gravityY: gravityY, dampingX: dampingX, dampingY: dampingY, minImpulseX: minImpulseX,
                                    maxImpulseX: maxImpulseX, minImpulseY: minImpulseY, maxImpulseY: maxImpulseY, emitterLifeSpan: emitterLifeSpan,
                                    emitAreaWidth: emitAreaWidth, emitAreaHeight: emitAreaHeight} );

    public function Emitter(name:String, params:Object = null) 
        updateCallEnabled = true;

        super(name, params);
        _ce = CitrusEngine.getInstance();

    override public function destroy():void
        for each (var particle:EmitterParticle in _particles)
            particle.kill = true;
        _particles.length = 0;

        for each (particle in _recycle)
            particle.kill = true;
        _recycle.length = 0;


     * The graphic that will be generated for each particle. This works just like the CitrusObject's view property.
     * The value can be 1) The path to an external image, 2) A DisplayObject class (not an instance) in String notation
     * (view: "com.graphics.myParticle") or 3) A DisplayObject class (not an instance) in Object notation
     * (view: MyParticle). See the documentation for ISpriteView.view for more info.
    public function get graphic():*
        return _graphic;

    public function set graphic(value:*):void
        _graphic = value;
        destroyRecycle(); //clear the reusable ones, they all have to be remade

    override public function update(timeDelta:Number):void

        var now:Number = new Date().time;
        var particle:EmitterParticle;
        var emitterExpired:Boolean = (emitterLifeSpan != -1 && _birthTime != -1 && _birthTime + emitterLifeSpan <= now);

        //check to see if any particles should be destroyed
        for (var i:int = _particles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            particle = _particles[i];
            if (particle.birthTime + particleLifeSpan <= now)
                if (particle.canRecycle)
                    particle.visible = false;
                    particle.kill = true;
                _particles.splice(_particles.indexOf(particle), 1);

        //generate more particles if necessary
        if (!emitterExpired && now - _lastEmission >= emitFrequency)
            _lastEmission = now;

            for (i = 0; i < emitAmount; i++ )
                particle = getOrCreateParticle(now);

            //Set the emitter's birth time if this is the first emission.
            if (_birthTime == -1)
                _birthTime = now;

        //update positions on existing particles.
        for each (particle in _particles)
            particle.velocityX += gravityX;
            particle.velocityY += gravityY;
            particle.velocityX *= dampingX;
            particle.velocityY *= dampingY;

            particle.x += (particle.velocityX * timeDelta);
            particle.y += (particle.velocityY * timeDelta);

        //should we destroy the emitter?
        if (emitterExpired && _particles.length == 0)
            kill = true;

    private function getOrCreateParticle(birthTime:Number):EmitterParticle
        var particle:EmitterParticle = _recycle.pop();

        if (!particle)
            if (_ce.state.view is BlittingView)
                particle = new EmitterParticle(name + "_" + _particlesCreated++, {view: new BlittingArt(graphic)});
                particle = new EmitterParticle(name + "_" + _particlesCreated++, { view: graphic } );


        particle.x = Math.random() * emitAreaWidth + (x - emitAreaWidth / 2);
        particle.y = Math.random() * emitAreaHeight + (y - emitAreaHeight / 2);
        particle.velocityX = Math.random() * (maxImpulseX - minImpulseX) + minImpulseX;
        particle.velocityY = Math.random() * (maxImpulseY - minImpulseY) + minImpulseY;
        particle.birthTime = birthTime;
        particle.group = group;
        particle.visible = true;

        return particle;

    private function destroyRecycle():void
        for each (var particle:EmitterParticle in _recycle)
            particle.kill = true;
        _recycle.length = 0;

        for each (particle in _particles)
            particle.canRecycle = false;


done ;)