Browser Extension Boilerplate


git clone
cd browser-extension-boilerplate
yarn install


yarn start

Runs webpack in watch mode. Automatically reloads the page after changes in files. Thanks to webpack-extension-reloader.

yarn build

Builds the extension in production mode. This version can be shipped to the store.

How to increment version

Use npm version cli command to bump a version of your package.json. The version of manifest will stay in sync with version specified in package.json.

For example:

npm version patch

This will increase your patch package.json version. During the next build output manifest file will have the same version.

Content Security Policy (CSP)

"unsafe-eval" in directive "script-src" and "connect-src" are needed for auto reloading, and should be removed from production manifest.json.

Useful links


Copyright © 2020 Beau Shaw.
This project is MIT licensed.