
Game Mode: enemy invasion

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Inspired by Super Mario Bros 35, mode is already implemented in Minecraft as an option (MC35 AKA "Send Defeated Mobs") and Phar was interested in implementing it for Rogue Legacy. It uses a special tag and bounce packets (similar to DeathLink network-wise).

I would like to make it more generic however for future cross-game interactions.

Bounce packet would have:

Name Type Notes
name str Name of this enemy, so that the same game will spawn the exact type.
power int Amount of "power" this enemy has. The higher the number, the stronger the enemy is.
hints Optional[List[str]] Hints that describe the enemy in simple terms, assume not all terms will be understood. For example: ["hound", "dog", "zombie"]
traits Optional[List[str]] Descriptions or modifiers that should be applied to the enemy. For example ["fast"] in one game could indicate a class of enemy type, and in another game could indicate a status effect.

See this Draft document for more.

EDIT: There's a similar mod in Noita called Noita nemesis which works with Noita Together.

So the consensus I think is that it's not feasible because other games can have either many or few enemies, and the enemy power would be inconsistent.

We can still do a Noita Nemesis style invasion however.