
Change Rating Icon Styling

Closed this issue · 4 comments

This rating selector currently works through database entries, with its value now being able to be read:


However, I'd simply like the style to be changed from stars to another icon that's more suited for "urgency" rather than the default:


Replace the Rating tag with the commented StyledRating one


Using this code as a reference (taken from this website's "customization" section), change it from hearts to another icon:


this is already commented on line 373

Perhaps something similar to this idea could be implemented, with varying icons for each rating setting (this is found in the "Radio group" section of that same aforementioned website):


going to use these icons, better for showing priority level

currently, the icon suffices but maybe it'd be cooler in the future to have varying looks such as what's in the last screenshot of the original message above

we can come back to this but it's no longer a pressing issue since the current icon suffices. It's just that we technically could make it look better with varying icons for each stage of the rating for aesthetics.