
show which files are in a group

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ls [options] [groupnames]

ls should show the files that are in a group. Multiple groups should be able to be passed. Corresponding Dropbox directories should be able to be seen too.

boxley add -g mygroup file_A.txt file_B.txt
boxley ls mygroup

Files in 'mygroup':

boxley ls -v mygroup       # show corresponding Dropbox directories

Files in 'mygroup':
    /absolute/path/to/file_A.txt  -->  /Boxley/absolute/path/to/file_A.txt
    /absolute/path/to/file_B.txt  -->  /Boxley/absolute/path/to/file_B.txt

boxley ls -v --home mygroup      # show path relative to home, if possible

Files in 'mygroup':
    ~/path/to/file_A.txt  -->  /Boxley/absolute/path/to/file_A.txt
    ~/path/to/file_B.txt  -->  /Boxley/absolute/path/to/file_B.txt

so, options are:

-v: show corresponding Dropbox directory

--home: if the home directory is part of a file's path, it is replaced by ~