
Has anyone tested this with Nano 33 Board 1.3.2?

hpssjellis opened this issue · 3 comments

Great idea @DaleGia
. Just trying it out with the newer Version 1.3.2 board and having some issues. Never had it working with other versions so not sure if that is the issue. I have all libraries installed, Not sure about <arm_math.h> but that doesn't seem to get an error. It just doesn't seem to compile. This seems to be the issue

all-nano-sense02.ino:294: undefined reference to `arm_rms_q15'

void Micophone_computeRMSValue(void)
  arm_rms_q15((q15_t*)microphoneBuffer, MICROPHONE_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_WORDS, (q15_t*)&microphoneRMSValue);

digging deeper it looks like this is connected with the <arm_math.h> library. Which version of the library did youo use and where did you get it from. Can you provide a link?

Hi @hpssjellis,

This is indeed a known issue. This example was made using the Arduino nRF528x Mbed OS Core which has now been archived. The issue regarding arm_math.h is known and has been written about in another one of my repositories here and also another project here.

One potential solution is described here. Alternatively you can use the Arduino nRF528x Mbed OS Core. Alternatiely you can implement your own RMS computation function, you can delete the RMS code entirely.

Hope this helps. I am hoping to get enough time to solve this issue myself one day. If you do come up with a solution please let me know.


Hey Dale. Thanks for the reply and I did see some of your solutions. I made my own solution but kind of trashed your code, by using the example PDM and just averaging the microphone buffer. Sorry about that.

My solution is here https://github.com/hpssjellis/arduino-high-school-robotics-course/tree/master/a24-multi-sensors and a video is here.

Thanks again, it would have taken a very long time to do it without your base code, and I need it for a class soon.
P.S. I really like your use of macros.

Twitter @rocksetta

No problem @hpssjellis, I am glad it was helpful. Just FYI, I created an arduino library called Nano33BLESense which makes reading sensor data on the Nano 33 BLE Sense much cleaner and easier to integrate into larger projects. If you get a chance check it out.
