
List of channels in Wordpress with number of users that are updated? / Installation

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Hello, I wanted to ask if with DalekIRC a list of channels appears in wordpress with the number of users and that they are updated.

I am interested in DalekIRC. Is there someone who offers the service of installing everything on a server? If so, how much would it cost? I would pay by paypal.


Hello, and thanks for your interest in DalekIRC.

Firstly, it's worth noting that DalekIRC as a whole project is unfinished and still a prototype version and not recommended for production deployment, and does not have the feature you mention. (yet)

Secondly, with that in mind and with great apologies, neither myself nor anyone else is in a position to accept this job offer, however I must note that when everything is done and ready, there will be some great documentation on how you can install this yourself.

I/DalekIRC have recently began working on a websocket-based IRC web-client, and there is much more work to be done to create a full-stack solution. Since DalekIRC is many-faceted and aims heavily towards integration, it has it's own WordPress plug-in, and it has its own UnrealIRCd module, all three of which (including the web-client) are all part of a much bigger project to make IRC more modern, seamless and beautiful. You can read more about how DalekIRC is going to get rid of the services bots completely and replace them with server commands here..

With this in mind, it's worth noting that the current and prototype pseudo-server which links with UnrealIRCd and provides -Serv bots is written in PHP and stores everything in SQL which is not properly optimised, which becomes slow and sometimes even impossible to startup properly due to large amounts of information being passed.
The next iteration will be in either C or NodeJS, and I'm still unclear (however largely enthusiastic) on figuring out which way things are going to move forward, since my brain is admittedly still bursting with ideas, and I don't want to write stuff only to think of something better and have to change loads of things.

Also due to my work on the UnrealIRCd WebPanel, progress has been on pause, but also allows me that time I need to gather all the ideas together.

That said, ideas are completely welcome, as you may have some "complete chat solution" in mind that I may like to cater for in the future of IRC.

I wish you all the best and I hope you can find your solution.

Good. Thanks for the reply. I really didn't know it was an unfinished project yet. I discovered it yesterday and saw that it was a great idea for IRC. I hope that everything goes very well and that the entire project can be completed perfectly. All the best!