
Racial design sets

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The default designs in SR2 have never been particularly impressive, to the point that I don't think anyone uses their starter ships for anything except scouting (unless they retrofit them, but this opens a different can of worms). They're also not really racially distinctive - a Bluuhbi or Khalerii will have the same designs as a Terran or Mono, assuming the same FTL types.

This is going to be something of a long-term project, so I don't expect to see it fully implemented soon.

  • Implement infrastructure.
    • Since I'd like to name everyone's designs, I'm going to need a lot of hooks to properly load and spawn them all. Unless... I get fancy. There's a limited amount of starter ships - Dreadnaughts, Heavy Carriers, Scouts, Gunships, etc. These can be mapped to a new dictionary in the empire's ObjectManager, and each lifestyle trait could then use hooks to modify the mappings. For instance, the Intergalactic lifestyle could map the RCFg Cit'lka'tiir to the Dreadnaught type. (Other things to consider: Changing the starting fleet compositions a little, and possibly making different design sets for every FTL type... but the latter is unlikely to happen anytime soon.)
    • Probably change planet/orbital support capacity to work in multiples of 10 (and powers of 10) instead of powers of 2, since all my sizes work like that.
  • Develop starter designs for each race (my current designs are mostly too high-tech for that):
    • Each race needs the following designs, at minimum:
      • Support, Fighter, interceptor: Speedy size-20 raiders designed to skirmish with enemy fighters at high speeds. Low ammo capacity, emphasis on railgun and laser weaponry.
      • Support, Fighter, space superiority: Heavier, multipurpose size-30 raiders. Medium ammo capacity, variable ordnance loadout. (No bombs, though!)
      • Support, Bomber: Heavy size-40 raiders. High ammo capacity, variable ordnance loadout. Bombs are preferred.
      • Support, Cruiser: Large size-200 support ships. The mainstay of any carrier group.
      • Support, Corvette: Huge size-500 support ships.
      • Flagship, Scout: Fast and manoeuvrable, disposable size-16 drone. Use FTL if available. Use Specialist Architecture if available. Replaces the Scout.
      • Flagship, Miner: Size-200 mining barge. Should be modular enough to be easily repurposed as a deployment platform for various special weapons such as Ion Cannons, Boarding Parties, Troop Pods, or Graviton Condensers. Use Specialist Architecture if available.
      • Flagship, Transport, tug: Size-200 tug. Typically a variant of the Miner design. Use Specialist Architecture if available.
      • Flagship, Frigate: Size-400 flagships for use in the early game. Later in the game, these can transition into supporting roles as raiders; rear guard or emergency response units; or siege platforms. Replaces Dreadnaughts. (If time permits, design two variants - a carrier and a battleship. The starting line-ups should probably always give you carriers, though.) Does not upgrade to Destroyer/Carrier architectures; instead, frigates are expected to be either phased out of play entirely or relegated to the abovementioned support roles.
      • Flagship, Destroyer, battleship: Size-750 flagships for use in the mid-to-late game. Boasts little to no support capacity, and is intended to be upgraded with Destroyer Architecture ASAP. Has a variant without Destroyer Architecture, for early use.
      • Flagship, Destroyer, carrier: Size-750 flagships for use in the mid-to-late game. Emphasis on support capacity, intended to be upgraded with Carrier Architecture ASAP. Replaces the Heavy Carrier. Has a variant without Carrier Architecture, for early use.
      • Station, Gate, expeditionary: Small size-128 gate designed for territorial expansion and rapid deployment.
      • Station, Gate, fortified: Large, armoured size-500 gate designed for deployment in key systems.
      • Flagship, Cruiser, navigator: Size-200 slipstream generator. Replaces the Slipstream Generator.
      • Satellite, Sentry Gun, light: Size-20 satellites designed to shoot down enemy strike craft.
      • Satellite, Sentry Gun, heavy: Size-200 satellites designed to target enemy capital ships.
      • Racial designs as needed.
    • Wishlist designs:
      • Flagship, Superdestroyer: Size-2000 flagships for use in the late game. Uses Titan Blueprints.
      • Flagship, Juggernaut: Size-5000 flagships for use in the very late game. Uses Colossus Blueprints.
      • Station, Installation, outpost: Size-500 stations designed for frontier defense.
      • Station, Installation, fortress: Size-1000 stations designed to defend strategic targets.
      • Station, Installation, bastion: Size-2500 stations designed to defend vital locations.
      • Teched-up variants of all designs.
    • Terran Confederacy
    • Hoonan Cooperative
    • Nylli Alliance
      • Flagship, Mothership, township: Size-500 Mothership used for rapid expansion. Limited defensive capabilities, relies on its speed to get out of trouble.
      • Flagship, Mothership, city ship: Size-2000 Mothership, forms the core of the Nylli civilisation. Heavily armoured, but with limited offensive capabilities. Starter ship.
    • Oko Unity
    • Feyh Communion
    • Saar Conclave
    • Mono Collective
    • Rahta Empire
      • Flagship, Transport, troopship: Size-300 troop transport designed for planetary conquest.
        • Also include a boarding variant.
      • Flagship, Transport, boarding ship: Size-100 troop transport designed to board enemy ships.
    • Fasshi Republic
    • Ulthaar Dominion
    • Bluuhbi Coalition
      • Flagship, Destroyer, harvester: Size-500 Harvester used for rapid harvesting. Limited defensive capabilities, relies on its speed to get out of trouble.
      • Flagship, Superdestroyer, heavy harvester: Size-2000 Harvester. Starter ship. Can probably just upscale the existing design.
    • Khalerii Union (double size of starting fleet!)
    • Alipha Foundation
    • Atroan Network
    • C'k'tnilit Refuge
    • Anastar League
      • Flagship, Frigate, defiler: Size-400 Defiler used for rapid corruption. Limited defensive capabilities, relies on its speed and stealth to get out of trouble. Starter ship.
      • Flagship, Destroyer, heavy defiler: Size-750 Defiler used for corruption of fortified systems. Starter ship.
      • Flagship, Installation, pirate base: Size-500 Shadowport used to establish a foothold in distant territories.
      • Flagship, Installation, shadowport: Size-2000 Shadowport serving as a hub of Anastar operations in its region. Starter ship.
  • Develop replacements for all Remnant ships, loosely following the classification schema outlined above.
    • Can recycle the Ulthaar Dominion design set and install subsystem upgrades. This is a major buff to the Remnants, but considering how much bigger space is in RS, I don't mind making them more dangerous. (Especially since the existing designs would become utterly useless after the design revamp was completed.)
    • Thereus - Frigate
    • Kyllaros - Destroyer (battleship)
    • Pholus - Destroyer (carrier); formerly large support ship, now made redundant with widespread dissemination of Lecythos and Vastabat designs, but I wanted to keep the name; replaces randomly generated LargeCamp remnant flagships
    • Ixion - Superdestroyer
    • Guardian - Juggernaut; excessive use of Progenitor technology - other flagships will be much more conservatively designed; just use existing design
    • Fortress - Installation (fortress)
    • Raptor - Interceptor
    • Direptor - Superiority fighter
    • Equites - Bomber
    • Vastabat - Cruiser
    • Lecythos - Corvette

Terran Confederacy designs:

  • Terrans boast a diverse array of equipment and loadout profiles, without emphasis on any given equipment type. Their capital ships are blocky and well-armoured, with a multitude of modules separated by internal bulkheads. Their fighters are moderately armoured, with powerful engines, railgun and missile mounts, and considerable repair capacity to help them recover in between attack runs. However, this comes at the cost of limited ammo storage.
  • Faction prefix: CT (Confederate Terran $SOMETHING)
  • Interceptor: CTF Sparrow
  • Fighter: CTF Falcon
  • Bomber: CTB Albatross
  • Cruiser: CTC Mjolnir
  • Corvette: CTCv Phobos
  • Battle Frigate: CTFg Gungnir
  • Carrier Frigate: CTFg Argo
  • Destroyer: CTD Ares
  • Carrier: CTD Athena
  • Superdestroyer: CTSD Odin
  • Juggernaut: CTJ Cronus
  • Miner: CTM Sisyphus
  • Tug: CTT Atlas
  • Scout: CTF Pegasus
  • Light Sentry: CTSG Oculus
  • Heavy Sentry: CTSG Scutum
  • Expeditionary Gate: CTG Pinta
  • Heavy Gate: CTG Normandy
  • Navigator: CTC Magellan
  • Outpost: CTI Troy
  • Fortress: CTI Olympus
  • Bastion: CTI Valhalla

Hoonan Cooperative designs:

  • Hoonan designs are very similar to their Terran cousins. However, there is a greater emphasis on hit-and-fade attacks carefully orchestrated by their onboard computers, and most Hoonan ships eschew railguns and lasers in favour of missile launchers and racks which can be rapidly reloaded at a nearby staging area. However, as most of their armor coverage is centered around the propulsion and command modules, Hoonan capital ships can be easily defanged by an enemy fleet jumping in at close range.
  • Faction prefix: HC (Hoonan Cooperative)
  • Interceptor: HCF Chasseer
  • Fighter: HCF Jagger
  • Bomber: HCB Bumbre
  • Cruiser: HCC Krewsor
  • Corvette: HCCv Krovet
  • Battle Frigate: HCFg Sinten
  • Carrier Frigate: HCFg Mather
  • Destroyer: HCD Batelsheep
  • Carrier: HCD Humbass
  • Superdestroyer: HCSD Begship
  • Juggernaut: HCJ Hugshap
  • Miner: HCM Feddeer
  • Tug: HCT Toowbut
  • Scout: HCF Sputer
  • Light Sentry: HCSG Setree
  • Heavy Sentry: HCSG Begstree
  • Expeditionary Gate: HCG Dur
  • Heavy Gate: HCG Beched
  • Navigator: HCC Hulmahker
  • Outpost: HCI Ootpot
  • Fortress: HCI Fatrus
  • Bastion: HCI Soupfat

Nylli Alliance designs:

  • Nylli ships have unusually large engine blocks and little to no internal armouring. Armed primarily with missiles and lasers, they rely on their above-average mobility to protect them until they penetrate the enemy's defences, followed by swooping in to gut their internals with lasers. They are unique in that their Navigator is a well-armoured, fortified installation acting as a hub from which a Nylli fleet can safely deploy without fear of repercussions.
  • Faction prefix: AN (Allied Nylli)
  • Interceptor: ANF Sqil
  • Fighter: ANF Finly
  • Bomber: ANB Brall
  • Cruiser: ANC Shylan
  • Corvette: ANCv Qinyll
  • Battle Frigate: ANFg Quaarn
  • Carrier Frigate: ANFg Zynlaarn
  • Destroyer: AND Gwuaaln
  • Carrier: AND Lynnyl
  • Superdestroyer: ANSD Quaraqun
  • Juggernaut: ANJ Gwanlyn
  • Miner: ANM Shanly
  • Tug: ANT Qraaky
  • Scout: ANF Pree
  • Light Sentry: ANSG Shly
  • Heavy Sentry: ANSG Gwueny
  • Expeditionary Gate: ANG Prynee
  • Heavy Gate: ANG Lynlyee
  • Navigator: ANI Linlyiny
  • Outpost: ANI Brynee
  • Fortress: ANI Gwaenee
  • Bastion: ANI Quarnee
  • Township: ANMS Quequee
  • Cityship: ANMS Gwuqenee

Oko Unity designs:

  • The organic ships used by the Oko are designed around Sinew. This sturdy material serves as a framework upon which the ship's nutrient distribution and cognitive systems are grown. Oko ships are typically heavily asymmetrical creatures, shaped ad hoc by the environment in which they are grown. Armor coverage is lighter than that of most other races; nonetheless, their weapon and thruster hardpoints are more effectively defended than is the norm, and their decentralised neural network prevents the catastrophic control loss that so often disables the ships of other races. Energy weapons are uncommon on Oko ships, which instead favour a mixture of rockets and railguns.
  • Unlike most races, Oko ships are named by the Terrans. If the Oko use any clearly recognisable mechanism to distinguish between ship classes, it defies translation by other races' analysts.
  • Faction prefix: UO (United Oko)
  • Interceptor: UOF Lily
  • Fighter: UOF Daisy
  • Bomber: UOB Dandelion
  • Cruiser: UOC Willow
  • Corvette: UOCv Birch
  • Battle Frigate: UOFg Maple
  • Carrier Frigate: UOFg Chestnut
  • Destroyer: UOD Oak
  • Carrier: UOD Mahogany
  • Superdestroyer: UOSD Demeter
  • Juggernaut: UOJ Gaia
  • Miner: UOM Hummingbird
  • Tug: UOT Wind
  • Scout: UOF Seed
  • Light Sentry: UOSG Blossom
  • Heavy Sentry: UOSG Stone
  • Expeditionary Gate: UOG Stream
  • Heavy Gate: UOG River
  • Navigator: UOC Cherry
  • Outpost: UOI Root
  • Fortress: UOI Hive
  • Bastion: UOI Dam

Feyh Communion designs:

  • Feyh crusaders are lightly armoured, relying on the shielding bestowed upon them by the Old Gods to protect them from the heathens. Slow but deadly, these imposing warships dedicate a good deal of internal space to weapons and shielding. Missiles and railguns are common, as the Shrines reduce the amount of supplies needed for hull repairs.
  • Faction prefix: FC (Feyh Crusade)
  • Interceptor: FCF Faye
  • Fighter: FCF Heayeth
  • Bomber: FCB Shaythe
  • Cruiser: FCC Faiayh
  • Corvette: FCCv Shaiyeh
  • Battle Frigate: FCFg Hayith
  • Carrier Frigate: FCFg Sheyilith
  • Destroyer: FCD Payith
  • Carrier: FCD Shayeth
  • Superdestroyer: FCSD Fayith
  • Juggernaut: FCJ Yathith
  • Miner: FCM Pheyen
  • Tug: FCT Fayen
  • Scout: FCF Nayen
  • Light Sentry: FCSG Hayinth
  • Heavy Sentry: FCSG Shayinth
  • Expeditionary Gate: FCG Theyesh
  • Heavy Gate: FCG Nheyash
  • Navigator: FCC Fayish
  • Outpost: FCI Payinth
  • Fortress: FCI Fayinth
  • Bastion: FCI Yatinth

Saar Conclave designs:

  • Saar ships often boast elegant, serpentine designs, with multiple subsystem redundancies. Above-average repair capabilities are complemented by laser and railgun armaments, and armor is strategically placed to minimise armor mass.
  • Faction prefix: CS (Consecrated Saar)
  • Interceptor: CSF Aan
  • Fighter: CSF Saan
  • Bomber: CSB Raan
  • Cruiser: CSC Suuran
  • Corvette: CSCv Nuuran
  • Battle Frigate: CSFg Zaraan
  • Carrier Frigate: CSFg Jalaar
  • Destroyer: CSD Zarneean
  • Carrier: CSD Jalneean
  • Superdestroyer: CSSD Zaarian
  • Juggernaut: CSJ Zaarneean
  • Miner: CSM Jeleen
  • Tug: CST Seleen
  • Scout: CSF Jaan
  • Light Sentry: CSSG Een
  • Heavy Sentry: CSSG Reen
  • Expeditionary Gate: CSG Salaan
  • Heavy Gate: CSG Zaraan
  • Navigator: CSC Juuran
  • Outpost: CSI Saeen
  • Fortress: CSI Naeen
  • Bastion: CSI Zaeen

Mono Collective designs:

  • Mono ships are often spherical in design, differentiated mostly by size and subsystem configuration. Torpedoes and missile racks are common on Mono destroyers; support craft instead favour lasers, railguns and energy bombs.
  • Faction prefix: CM (Collective Mono)
  • Interceptor: CMF INT-3901
  • Fighter: CMF FIG-6573
  • Bomber: CMB BMB-1940
  • Cruiser: CMC CRS-0582
  • Corvette: CMCv CRV-0204
  • Battle Frigate: CMFg BFG-0048
  • Carrier Frigate: CMFg CFG-0033
  • Destroyer: CMD DST-0007
  • Carrier: CMD CAR-0009
  • Superdestroyer: CMSD TTN-0005
  • Juggernaut: CMJ COL-0002
  • Miner: CMM MIN-8948
  • Tug: CMT TUG-7545
  • Scout: CMF SCT-9853
  • Light Sentry: CMSG TUR-3022
  • Heavy Sentry: CMSG TUR-1138
  • Expeditionary Gate: CMG GAT-8844
  • Heavy Gate: CMG GAT-2041
  • Navigator: CMC SLP-4920
  • Outpost: CMI BAS-6422
  • Fortress: CMI BAS-7449
  • Bastion: CMI BAS-8734

Rahta Empire designs:

  • Rahta ships are always armed. Favoring a thick layer of external armor and tangible ordnance such as missiles and railguns, the Rahta design their ships with a singleminded focus on offence. Their engines are placed frontally to serve as ablative armor for the weapons; their carriers are designed to lead by example as opposed to the more conventional doctrine of hanging back while their supporting craft bombard the enemy. This makes them better prepared to repel anyone foolish enough to jump into the midst of a Rahta carrier group, but it does make them less efficient overall.
  • Faction prefix: IR (Imperial Rahta)
  • Interceptor: IRF Narhan
  • Fighter: IRF Rakkar
  • Bomber: IRB Kar'ren
  • Cruiser: IRC Gren'ahl
  • Corvette: IRCv Gro'snorn
  • Battle Frigate: IRFg Ren'knar
  • Carrier Frigate: IRFg Kranhar
  • Destroyer: IRD Reknaran
  • Carrier: IRD Noratthan
  • Superdestroyer: IRSD Krenkaran
  • Juggernaut: IRJ Raht'arat
  • Miner: IRM Morhrin
  • Tug: IRT Zu'lunt
  • Scout: IRF Ranthu
  • Light Sentry: IRSG Renka
  • Heavy Sentry: IRSG Krenka
  • Expeditionary Gate: IRG Rakh'knu
  • Heavy Gate: IRG Kagh'knu
  • Navigator: IRC Rek'nar
  • Outpost: IRI Renkro
  • Fortress: IRI Krenkro
  • Bastion: IRI Raht'zanhir
  • Troopship: IRT Aristra'kthet
  • Light Marine Transport: IRT Rarathan
  • Heavy Marine Transport: IRT Aristrathan

Fasshi Republic designs:

  • Fasshi ships have very limited offensive capabilities, mostly focused on lasers, missiles, and broadcast antennae. Most of their internal space goes towards evading or repelling enemy attacks, and they prefer to avoid confrontation away from the security of their starbases. Fasshi strike craft all use missiles exclusively, unloading their limited munitions into the enemy force before rushing back to safety.
  • Faction prefix: RF (Republican Fasshi)
  • Interceptor: RFF Alanea
  • Fighter: RFF Lan'heil
  • Bomber: RFB Nalalei
  • Cruiser: RFC Fashaen
  • Corvette: RFCv Uyanal
  • Battle Frigate: RFFg Lenilien
  • Carrier Frigate: RFFg Aa'nathair
  • Destroyer: RFD Ienalhai
  • Carrier: RFD Nalaliye
  • Superdestroyer: RFSD Lanal'hair
  • Juggernaut: RFJ Faa'layaal
  • Miner: RFM Uianael
  • Tug: RFT Uininel
  • Scout: RFT Ale'nahir
  • Light Sentry: RFSG Neyal'nair
  • Heavy Sentry: RFSG Ala'nhayil
  • Expeditionary Gate: RFG Lui'neyal
  • Heavy Gate: RFG Ianil'ayal
  • Navigator: RFC Alinyaal
  • Outpost: RFI Nieanal
  • Fortress: RFI Anha'naral
  • Bastion: RFI Yaliniel

Ulthaar Dominion designs:

  • Ulthaar ships have a distinctive block-with-nacelles structure that makes them easily distinguishable from those of the other races. Much like Terrans, they have no clear preference for any given equipment type, though eons of relying on their advanced defensive technology have left them with a habit of only using limited external armor.
  • Faction prefix: UD (Ulthaar Dominion)
  • Interceptor: UDF Inakh
  • Fighter: UDF Kaghiin
  • Bomber: UDB Zhodha
  • Cruiser: UDC Delthes
  • Corvette: UDCv Krayethon
  • Battle Frigate: UDFg Nathaal
  • Carrier Frigate: UDFg Krakhaan
  • Destroyer: UDD Veneth
  • Carrier: UDD Nethil
  • Superdestroyer: UDSD Uruthail
  • Juggernaut: UDJ Uranthakon
  • Miner: UDM Denthal
  • Tug: UDT Nerkon
  • Scout: UDF Ranhail
  • Light Sentry: UDSG Krayanor
  • Heavy Sentry: UDSG Vanthiis
  • Expeditionary Gate: UDG Orathor
  • Heavy Gate: UDG Narthon
  • Navigator: UDC Gahrain
  • Outpost: UDI Daghan
  • Fortress: UDI Zarthin
  • Bastion: UDI Orathinal

Bluuhbi Coalition designs:

  • Bluuhbi ships are as fat and bloated as their masters. Sporting layers of internal and external armor, they are difficult to kill; however, this comes at the cost of maneuverability. Bluuhbi ships are some of the slowest and sturdiest in the galaxy, with ample firepower to boot. Like its Nylli counterpart, the Bluuhbi Navigator is a slipstream hub designed for convenient transit to and from their Ringworlds. Unlike its Nylli counterpart, it boasts only token defenses and is considered fairly disposable.
  • Faction prefix: BC (Bluuhbi Coalition)
  • Interceptor: BCF Foohpi
  • Fighter: BCF Boohpi
  • Bomber: BCB Bloohpi
  • Cruiser: BCC Gluugi
  • Corvette: BCCv Fluugi
  • Battle Frigate: BCFg Fluhbi
  • Carrier Frigate: BCFg Gluhbi
  • Destroyer: BCD Lhuurbi
  • Carrier: BCD Gluurbi
  • Superdestroyer: BCSD Bloorgi
  • Juggernaut: BCJ Shuurgi
  • Miner: BCM Juuhri
  • Tug: BCT Gruuhi
  • Scout: BCF Luupi
  • Light Sentry: BCSG Foohli
  • Heavy Sentry: BCSG Bloohli
  • Expeditionary Gate: BCG Ghuurti
  • Heavy Gate: BCG Lhuurti
  • Navigator: BCI Bluburti
  • Outpost: BCI Toohli
  • Fortress: BCI Bloorli
  • Bastion: BCI Shuurli
  • Light Harvester: BCD Buurpi
  • Harvester: BCSD Bluupi

Khalerii Union designs:

  • Khalerii ships are designed to win through overwhelming numbers. Boasting a thick external layer of plate armor paired with railgun and missile weaponry, these crude warships don't look like much... until the Union commits half a dozen of them to fight one enemy ship. Carefully managed, they may even be able to keep all of them after the battle is over. Maybe.
  • Faction prefix: UK (United Khalerii)
  • Interceptor: UKF Kalhii
  • Fighter: UKF Lalhra
  • Bomber: UKB Klalrii
  • Cruiser: UKC Khelir
  • Corvette: UKCv Brekshii
  • Battle Frigate: UKFg Barhiik
  • Carrier Frigate: UKFg Lerkila
  • Destroyer: UKD Bharkan
  • Carrier: UKD Lerkikan
  • Superdestroyer: UKD Khalrak
  • Juggernaut: UKJ Khalkii
  • Miner: UKM Liirka
  • Tug: UKT Karka
  • Scout: UKF Barhka
  • Light Sentry: UKSG Blarek
  • Heavy Sentry: UKSG Klarkek
  • Expeditionary Gate: UKG Lakranii
  • Heavy Gate: UKG Bhaknii
  • Navigator: UKC Khalka
  • Outpost: UKI Bahzha
  • Fortress: UKI Krahzha
  • Bastion: UKI Blakzha

Alipha Foundation designs:

  • Alipha ships need no introduction. Vaguely insectoid in design, the fragility of their hulls is only offset by their powerful multilayered shield systems. Lightweight yet resilient, Alipha designs are able to skimp on propulsion systems in favour of more shields and energy weapons, making them a formidable opponent.
  • Faction prefix: AF (Alipha Foundation)
  • Interceptor: AFF Lanha
  • Fighter: AFF Alephis
  • Bomber: AFB Shannal
  • Cruiser: AFC Phalis
  • Corvette: AFCv Alapeph
  • Battle Frigate: AFFg Nalpha
  • Carrier Frigate: AFFg Zanpha
  • Destroyer: AFD Lanphin
  • Carrier: AFD Zalniph
  • Superdestroyer: AFSD Alaphis
  • Juggernaut: AFJ Lanaphis
  • Miner: AFM Lanal
  • Tug: AFT Shalan
  • Scout: AFF Shilha
  • Light Sentry: AFSG Alanis
  • Heavy Sentry: AFSG Zanalis
  • Expeditionary Gate: AFG Shilnis
  • Heavy Gate: AFG Phalaph
  • Navigator: AFC Zalphan
  • Outpost: AFI Nalphinis
  • Fortress: AFI Lanphinis
  • Bastion: AFI Aliphinis

Atroan Network designs:

  • Atroan ships are large and powerful, not unlike the ships used by the Bluuhbi. Unlike the Bluuhbi, though, the Atroans can leverage their advanced technology to achieve remarkable feats of mobility for their size.
  • Some scientists have hypothesised that these formidable battleships represent only the slightest fraction of the power once wielded by the First Empire; that the planetary brain on Atrozal discarded more scientific and engineering data than the rest of the galaxy combined has been able to recover, in order to better accommodate the Atroans in their innumerable virtual worlds. However, with so few artefacts of the First Empire left to study, this hypothesis has not yet been proven.
  • Faction prefix: NA (Networked Atroan)
  • Interceptor: NAF Arzon
  • Fighter: NAF Zanoral
  • Bomber: NAB Tralon
  • Cruiser: NAC Alephat
  • Corvette: NACv Enaztro
  • Battle Frigate: NAFg Zatron
  • Carrier Frigate: NAFg Ialanoz
  • Destroyer: NAD Enitron
  • Carrier: NAD Zatroz
  • Superdestroyer: NASD Alenatro
  • Juggernaut: NAJ Atraznon
  • Miner: NAM Zaliton
  • Tug: NAT Alaton
  • Scout: NAF Phaton
  • Light Sentry: NASG Zanatan
  • Heavy Sentry: NASG Parotan
  • Expeditionary Gate: NAG Ianaton
  • Heavy Gate: NAG Atrinaton
  • Navigator: NAC Azranon
  • Outpost: NAI Aratan
  • Fortress: NAI Zanrattan
  • Bastion: NAI Atratan

C'k'tnilit Refuge designs:

  • C'k'tnilit designs are unusually vertical, and difficult to represent on an overhead map. Common characteristics include broad wings, easily maintainable armor selection, and inexpensive weapons: The Heralds try to minimise the amount of time wasted on maintenance, reconstruction, and resupply in order to more easily keep ahead of the Consumer, and their subsystem selection reflects this.
  • Atroan skirmishes with Consumer units in at the edge of the galaxy have been... peculiar. Although the initial strikes were dominated by vessels of an unknown configuration, spy probes in the assaulted sectors have transmitted images of Consumer ships resembling their Atroan counterparts... only bigger and more numerous. The implications of this have not yet become clear.
  • Faction prefix: RC (Refugee C'k'tnilit)
  • Interceptor: RCF Nra'cklin
  • Fighter: RCF Kil'cr'nen
  • Bomber: RCB Gara'thrik
  • Cruiser: RCC Fle'fi'nit
  • Corvette: RCCv Kr'en'tritt
  • Battle Frigate: RCFg Rra'kt'init
  • Carrier Frigate: RCFg Cit'lka'tiir
  • Destroyer: RCD Hli'nti'kraac
  • Carrier: RCD Cal'ktri'rel
  • Superdestroyer: RCSD Kri'nra'zhit
  • Juggernaut: RCJ Xi'nki'nac
  • Miner: RCM Zri'rin'tha
  • Tug: RCT Znii'kit
  • Scout: RCF Kri'knil
  • Light Sentry: RCSG Sri'tr'nerh
  • Heavy Sentry: RCSG Zhi'kra'nac
  • Expeditionary Gate: RCG Qwi'trat
  • Heavy Gate: RCG Ra'tne'trat
  • Navigator: RCC Kra'kri'tarr
  • Outpost: RCI Rki'tni
  • Fortress: RCI Nra'ta'nr
  • Bastion: RCI Tra'nak'tir

It occurs to me that these expensive starter ships might not be great to lose early in the game. The flagships I've designed so far for the Terran Confederacy have had the crippling flaw of costing millions of credits to build, and it could take up to an hour to work up enough of a budget to replace them if they're destroyed.

This could be corrected by adding an "Emergency Defense Act" construction, allowing an empire with no military flagships (... let's say flagships with a base combat strength of less than 5000...) to rebuild their starting flagship lineup for a nominal fee. Something like 500k and a flat 90 seconds?

(Emergency Defense Act would not restore lost Harvesters.)

Anastar League designs for #71:

  • As befits an interspeciated criminal organization, the Anastar League primarily uses modified versions of other species' ships obtained through various means, mixed with a few custom designs of their own making. Consequently, the Anastar shipset has a number of alternative designs for many ship types. (Initial release will just use modified vanilla ships, plus downscaled Defilers and Shadowports.)
  • Faction prefix: AL (Anastar League)
  • Interceptor: ALF Narhan
  • Fighter: ALF Rakkar
  • Bomber: ALF Kar'ren
  • Cruiser: ALC Mjolnir
  • Corvette: ALCv Phobos
  • Battle Frigate: ALFg Quaarn
  • Battle Frigate Beta: ALFg Ren'knar
  • Battle Frigate Gamma: ALFg Rra'kt'init
  • Carrier Frigate: ALFg Zynlaarn
  • Carrier Frigate Beta: ALFg Kranhar
  • Carrier Frigate Gamma: ALFg Cit'lka'tiir
  • Destroyer: ALD Hli'nti'kraac
  • Destroyer Beta: ALD Ares
  • Destroyer Gamma: ALD Gwuaarn
  • Carrier: ALD Lynnyl
  • Carrier Beta: ALD Athena
  • Carrier Gamma: ALD Cal'ktri'rel
  • Superdestroyer: ALSD Odin
  • Superdestroyer Beta: ALSD Don
  • Juggernaut: ALJ Capone
  • Miner: ALM Zri'rin'tha
  • Tug: ALT Znii'kit
  • Tug Beta: ALT Qraaky
  • Tug Gamma: ALT Atlas
  • Scout: ALF Pegasus
  • Scout Beta: ALF Pree
  • Light Sentry: ALSG Oculus
  • Heavy Sentry: ALSG Scutum
  • Expeditionary Gate: ALG Pinta
  • Heavy Gate: ALG Normandy
  • Navigator: ALC Magellan
  • Navigator Beta: ALI Linlyiny
  • Outpost: ALI Rki'tni
  • Fortress: ALI Olympus
  • Fortress Beta: ALI Carthage
  • Bastion: ALI Barbary
  • Defiler: ALFg Kraken
  • Heavy Defiler: ALD Loki
  • Pirate Base: ALI Cove
  • Shadowport: ALI Tortuga