
v5.0.0 - Missing Endpoints.

DamienDennehy opened this issue · 2 comments

As of the v5.0.0 release a number of endpoints have been removed from this project. This project currently supports:

  • OAuth2Endpoint
  • ImageEndpoint

The official API at https://apidocs.imgur.com supports five endpoints:

  • Account
  • Comment
  • Album
  • Gallery
  • Image

Album, Comment, Gallery, and Account will be added back in this order in future releases.
They were removed as it had been some time since the project was updated and Imgur's API seems to have drifted a bit.

The rational behind this is I'd rather a new version with limited but working features than an old version with everything only partially working.

Ah, that explains why I couldn't find the Gallery endpoint. Cheers!

Since this is more than a year old, is it save to assume this project is now unmaintained?