Buchla 700 Source Code Courtesy Lynx Crowe, provided for noncommercial personal and educational use. This code is provided as-is with no guarantees of completeness or correctness; it's a compilation of various bits of relevant code that Lynx found going through his archives. If you want to delve into this, you are "on your own." Development was done with an Alcyon C compiler on an Atari 1040ST, although it should be feasible to find a modern compiler that will handle this code. Knowledgeable people with time on their hands could potentially do all sorts of neat things with this, such as (a) create some sort of hardware/software upgrade to the 700 that would allow users to bypass the trouble-prone and difficult-to-find video chip, (b) add features to and fix bugs in the software, and (c) create a softsynth rendition of the 700. It's also a fantastic chance to look at the design of a synth OS by one of the pioneers in the field. Please give Lynx and Don proper acknowledgement on anything you do with this. (Source: http://users.ece.gatech.edu/lanterma/buchla700/) This page describes my progress and provides links to other relevant sites: http://zachyoung.net/isc/category/buchla-700/
Buchla 700 Source Code - Get the original here: http://users.ece.gatech.edu/lanterma/buchla700/