
Research project exploring influencing agents for flocking in low-density settings.

Primary LanguageJava

Influencing Agents for Flocking in Low-Density Settings

This directory contains the code used to run experiments for the paper Influencing Agents for Flocking in Low-Density Settings, as well as the undergraduate thesis Design of Influencing Agents for Flocking in Low-Density Settings.

The seven ast files in this base directory are the seven genetic algorithms referred to in the undergraduate thesis. The algorithms discussed in the paper are, for the most part, implemented in the Flocker class.

A few notes:

  • Generally speaking, "ad hoc" agents refer to influencing agents.

  • In the code, influencing agent behaviors are split into "global behaviors" and "local behaviors". This comes from an earlier organizational distinction; for an explanation of the differences between them, please refer to the appendix of the undergraduate thesis.

Running the Code:

First, download the MASON source code and replace the "flockers" folder with this folder. Next, download Weka. Finally, you will need to set CLASSPATH to include the mason base directory and weka.jar.

To compile:


To run:

bash runsim.sh