
Missing license

alsa64 opened this issue · 1 comments

This by default means that there is no license, so all rights are reserved in the most extreme way, technically this means for users:

If you find software that doesn’t have a license, that generally means you have no permission from the creators of the software to use, modify, or share the software. Although a code host such as GitHub may allow you to view and fork the code, this does not imply that you are permitted to use, modify, or share the software for any purpose.

More information is here: https://choosealicense.com/no-permission/

In case this isn't intentional, which I find quite likely, simply add a LICENSE or LICENSE.md file to the repository with the license of your choice. Be aware that depending on what sources / libraries you used, you might be required to use the same or similar licenses as them.

Thank you for the application by the way.

Hey. Thank you for the heads-up. This took longer than I'm proud of, but there's now a license file uploaded. Indeed it wasn't intentional