
Conflict with other plugins 'netbox-bgp'

firmansyahn opened this issue · 3 comments

Plugin version


NetBox version


Python version


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install netbox-routing
    /opt/netbox/venv/bin/pip install -r local_requirements.txt
  2. Run migration
    /opt/netbox/venv/bin/python netbox/manage.py migrate

Expected Behavior

Installation completed without errors.

Observed Behavior

Migration halted, and raise errors.

SystemCheckError: System check identified some issues:

netbox_bgp.PrefixList.tags: (fields.E304) Reverse accessor 'Tag.prefixlist_set' for 'netbox_bgp.PrefixList.tags' clashes with reverse accessor for 'netbox_routing.PrefixList.tags'.
        HINT: Add or change a related_name argument to the definition for 'netbox_bgp.PrefixList.tags' or 'netbox_routing.PrefixList.tags'.
netbox_routing.PrefixList.tags: (fields.E304) Reverse accessor 'Tag.prefixlist_set' for 'netbox_routing.PrefixList.tags' clashes with reverse accessor for 'netbox_bgp.PrefixList.tags'.
        HINT: Add or change a related_name argument to the definition for 'netbox_routing.PrefixList.tags' or 'netbox_bgp.PrefixList.tags'.

I have the same problem.

You have netbox_bgp and netbox_routing both installed, they are not compatible together due to both using a PrefixList model.

Yes I understand the problem. But can / will it be fixed?