
Tor2Web like proxy service

DanWin opened this issue · 2 comments

Some users may have their own web hosting as a hidden service, but would like to publish it anonymously to clearnet, without needing to reveal their identity to a hosting provider. A proxy service that doesn't host any content itself could be useful for these users.

A comment I got by mail:


I'm looking for providing my onionsite for non-Tor users and I want to use
my domain.
There are lots of tor2web gateway like yours and none of them provide it.

For example, I own domain 'my.example.org'.

  1. Configure DNS

my.example.org CNAME proxy.onion.ly
my.example.org TXT

  1. Click verify on your website

  2. You verify ownership by looking up DNS

  3. If 3 is okay, proxy will begin.

my.example.org --- onion.ly --- abcde.xyzxyz.onion, port 88

Additional requirement:

  1. Please add header 'X-From-OnionSite: onion.ly' (d value) so destination
    server can know about it.
  2. If the onionsite return nothing or unable to connect, just display
    blank, empty page.
  3. Account-based management will be useful. Not everyone wants to display
    their destination (remove my.example.org TXT)

Don't forget OpenVPN!