
Yolov5s performances problem?

Closed this issue · 7 comments

It seems like the performances on example video very bad, any idea on which issues?
The bounding boxes looks like not very stable.

your code which seems like using the NvDsInferYoloCudaEngineGet for parsing the tensorrt engine, is this correct??

I have no problem. I can run yolov5 in deep stream 5.0 with fp16 model in a Xavier about 60 fps. Of course, the detect class num also influence the performance.

@DanaHan I'm Glad to hear that! Maybe my model have some problem I would like to try again with your steps. Just in case, how did you run the app? Is it using the deepstream-app -c config_file?

LD_PRELOAD=$PWD/libmyplugin && deepstream-app -c config_file

your code which seems like using the NvDsInferYoloCudaEngineGet for parsing the tensorrt engine, is this correct??

I am read all source codes recently. It seems that NvDsInferYoloCudaEngineGet is called only when you use non-tensorrt engine model (ONNX,UFFT, etc). And this function seems used to build engine model. I'm not sure whether this is correct.

@DanaHan I tried again with your apps it seems like even "Person" class not predicted very well, your test seems like perform very well on Person? And I have tried to replace the .cu files from this issue #3. It classify my face as "cup" and my body as diningtable

@DanaHan I delete all files and followed again your step, it works well!
Seems like the weight of the yolov5s.pt not really good, I redownload all the weights and tensorrtx, and your repository. it work fine !