Tenant schema as subdomain
shulhi opened this issue · 4 comments
I checked out the widget_saas
project for sample of using apartmentex. Is there a way to have the tenant schema as the subdomain? Something like this: https://django-tenant-schemas.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ i.e. http://first-tenant.example.com
instead of http://example.com/tenant/:first_tenant_id
I think this is irrelevant. In both cases (subdomain vs url path) you'd need to write some plug that checks either subdomain or url path to get the tenant name on each request.
@shulhi this is all I did:
defmodule App.TenantController do
plug :set_current_tenant
defp set_current_tenant(conn, _params) do
{"host", host} = List.keyfind(conn.req_headers, "host", 0)
tenant = Tenant.get_by_host!(host)
assign(conn, :current_tenant, tenant)
defmodule App.Tenant do
def get_by_host!(host) do
subdomain = host
|> String.split(".")
|> Enum.take(1)
|> Enum.join(".")
Repo.get_by!(__MODULE__, subdomain: subdomain)
To add to the advice above, the tenant qualification can really come from anywhere- subdomain, path, jwt claim, some other header, etc. basically anything you can access in plug on a request can be used to target a schema
Thanks, I got it working with plug.