
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Eclipse Krazo

Eclipse Krazo is an implementation of action-based MVC specified by MVC 1.0 (JSR-371). It builds on top of JAX-RS and currently contains support for RESTEasy, Jersey and CXF with a well-defined SPI for other implementations.

Running the testsuite

Eclipse Krazo has configurations to run the testsuite against a bunch of application servers like WildFly, Payara, Glassfish or Liberty. The following sections describe how you test Eclipse Krazo against them. At the moment, we test against following servers:

  • Glassfish 5
  • WildFly 18.0.0
  • TomEE 8.0.2 Plus
  • Payara 5.193.1
  • Liberty WebProfile 8


  • JDK 8
  • SNAPSHOTs are up to date in your local repository


To run the Krazo testsuite with Eclipse Glassfish, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Download Eclipse Glassfish from the official download page and unzip it.
  2. Start Eclipse Glassfish via glassfish5/glassfish/bin/startserv
  3. Go into the testsuite package of Eclipse Krazo and execute mvn clean integration-test -Ptestsuite-glassfish


To run the Krazo testsuite with WildFly, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Download WildFly from the WildFly download page and unzip it somewhere you'll find it again.
  2. Start WildFly with sh standalone.sh --debug. This enables you to remote-debug the Arquillian tests.
  3. Go into the testsuite package of Eclipse Krazo and execute mvn clean integration-test -Ptestsuite-wildfly


To run the Krazo testsuite with TomEE, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Download TomEE from the TomEE download page and unzip it somewhere you'll find it again.
  2. Overwrite or enable the following settings in ${TOMEE_HOME}/conf/system.properties to get Arquillian to run:
openejb.system.apps = true
  1. Start TomEE with sh catalina.sh jpda start. This enables you to remote-debug the Arquillian tests.
  2. Go into the testsuite package of Eclipse Krazo and execute mvn clean integration-test -Ptestsuite-tomee


To run the Krazo testsuite with OpenLiberty, you need to follow these steps. Please note that this process has been tested with 19.x only.

  1. Download OpenLiberty from the official download page and unzip it.
  2. Replace the file wlp/templates/servers/defaultServer/server.xml with .travis/wlp-server-template.xml from the Eclipse Krazo repository.
  3. Go into the testsuite package of Eclipse Krazo and execute mvn clean integration-test -Ptestsuite-glassfish -Dliberty.home=c:/somewhere/wlp/. Please make sure to replace c:/somewhere/wlp/ with the absolute path to the unpacked OpenLiberty distribution.


Tests are failing locally but not on Travis CI

In this case, ensure that your local SNAPSHOTS are the newest version of Krazo. Most of time, this solves the problem.