Wordpress Theme Template

A Basic Wordpress Theme

Upcoming Features

  • Replace CSS with SASS
  • Create Grunt task to compile and minify all assets

##Sidebar By default the theme uses a full width view with no sidebar. There are 3 templates which allow a sidebar to be added either to the left, the right, or below the main content area. This can be changed by editing a page and choosing the template dropdown.

##Footer The footer comes with 4 columns as standard. Columns 1-3 can be edited via the widgets page in Wordpress, Column 4 displays the company address.

##Theme Settings The theme includes a new "Website Settings" option that is added in the admin dashboard of Wordpress. By default this has a few basic option such as company details and social media URL's.

To add more options open up the /includes/theme-options.php file and add a new array into the main website_settings array. See the example below:-

| Theme Settings
| Key:-
|   Title - Title displayed on the input form
|   Name  - The name of the entry inserted into the DB
|   Type  - Input type used for form validation
|   Placeholder - Placeholder text for the input field

    'Title' => 'My New Website Setting',
    'Name'  => 'website_new_setting',
    'Type'  => 'text',
    'Placeholder' => 'Please enter some text here'

To use an option in your theme template use the get_option() function. For example:-

<?= get_option('website_tel_1') ?>

##Theme Shortcodes

Post Boxes

The grabs a select amount of posts and displays them as boxes. By default these are ordered by the post date.

Usage in the WP editor - [post-box amount="3"]

Usage in PHP - do_shortcode('[post-box amount="3"]')