Cohort Treatment and Covariate SE
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Hello Daniel,
Thanks so much for this Stata code, it is excellent! I had two questions:
- Is it possible to identify the SE associated with each treatment year's ATT. For example, I run a staggered treatment timing model, call the e(tau) matrix and see the ATT associated with each treatment cohort/year. Is there a way to make inference to each group?
- Similar question to the question above: In single or staggered adoption setting with covariates, is it possible to identify the SE associated with covariates?
Thanks again!
Mitch Doucette
Assistant Scientist, Johns Hopkins University
Hi Mitch,
1.- Yesterday I updated the sdid.ado to calculate the SE for any time of adoption. You can reinstall the command from github and it will access these values in the e(tau) post estimate sdid. At the moment a test version is available for bootstrap inference. Another way to get these SEs is to basically run the sdid command for any treatment period, as long as you have more than two units treated at each adoption time (for bootstrap).
For example, you can run an sdid manually like this:
webuse set
matrix taus_se = J(2,2,.)
local i=1
local ty 2002 2003
foreach t of local ty {
webuse quota_example.dta, clear
egen m=min(year) if quota==1, by(country)
egen mm=mean(m), by(country)
keep if mm==`t' | mm==.
if `t'==2002 | `t'==2003 {
local stderr bootstrap
else local stderr placebo
sdid womparl c year quota, vce(`stderr') reps(50) seed(1234)
matrix taus_se[`i',1] = e(ATT)
matrix taus_se[`i',2] = e(se)
local ++i
matlist taus_se
| c1 c2
r1 | 6.967746 .5372676
r2 | 13.95226 8.64151
Or using the new e(tau) matrix:
webuse quota_example.dta, clear
egen m=min(year) if quota==1, by(country)
egen mm=mean(m), by(country)
keep if mm==2002 | mm==2003 | mm==.
sdid womparl c year quota, vce(bootstrap) reps(50) seed(1234)
matlist e(tau)
| Tau Std.Err. Time
r1 | 6.967746 .5587125 2002
r2 | 13.95226 9.045572 2003
2.- For covariates it depends on the process you use. If you are using the projected option, the easiest way is to run a pre-regression and get the SE directly. For example:
drop if lngdp==.
sdid womparl c year quota, vce(noinference) covariates(lngdp, projected)
matlist e(beta)
| c1
lngdp | .0999577
areg womparl lngdp i.year if mm==., abs(c)