
title, caption and keywords in image-subline

Opened this issue · 3 comments

is there a possibility to bring a caption like this
in the lightbox?
Thanks Michael

Looks like this would need a code enhancement. Caption is taken from the original DOM, looking for an element with class item-caption (https://github.com/DanielMuller/koken-plugin-photoswipe/blob/master/src/pswp.js#L16).
Your theme (Axis 2 ?) is displaying captions differently.
If you are willing to make a pull request, I am happy to merge it.

Sorry for not responding. What means "to make a pull request"? I don't understand. What I have to do? I'm interested in get a subline like mentioned above.
You are right, is Axis 2. Thanks!

You need to fork the repo to your own account. Make the necessary changes. Push the changes to your forked repo. And then create a new pull request to ask t merge your changes to this repo. This page explains it in a little more details.