
A Javascript .MOD and .XM music player. Fork of a fork of a fork, now using Aurora.js.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Install 'importer' with npm:

sudo npm install importer -g

Build the javascript code and put it into demo/ using the provided 'build script'


If you want to test it, you can by having Python3 installed and running the test script, then heading to http://localhost:8000 in your browser.


Demo: http://seanneilan.com/media/jsmodplayer/

Protracker features

Effects implemented:

0xy: Arpeggio
1xx: Pitch slide up (portamento)
2xx: Pitch slide down
3xx: Portamento to note [slightly buggy]
5xy: Portamento to note with volume slide [untested]
9xx: Sample offset
Axy: Volume slide
Bxx: Jump to order
Cxx: Set note volume
Dxx: Pattern break
Fxx: Set BPM
Exy Subcommands:
	E1x Fine portamento up
	E2x Fine portamento down
	E5x Set note fine-tune [untested]
	E6x Pattern loop
	E9x Re-trigger note
	EAx Fine volume slide up
	EBx Fine volume slide down
	ECx Note cut
	EDx Note delay
	EEx Pattern delay

In progress:

4xy Vibrato
6xy Vibrato with volume slide
7xy Tremolo
8xx Set note panning position
Exy Subcommands:
	E8x Set note panning position

Not implemented:

Exy Subcommands:
	E0x Amiga LED Filter toggle
	E3x Glissando control
	E4x Vibrato control
	E7x Tremolo control
	EFx Funk it!



  • Implement additional effects. Try to pass the Ode to Protracker test :)
  • Wean off dynamicaudio.js (eventually)