
A simple Output container utilizing Chalk's awesomeness.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


A simple Output container utilizing Chalk's awesomeness.


Got a suggestion for this module? Tweet me: Twitter URL


npm install sout.js --save

Example useage:

const sout   = require('sout.js');
const msgApp = new sout('AppName');

msgApp.log('Hey This is a cool message!');
msgApp.log('This messages title will be in green','green');
msgApp.log('This messages title will be in red','red');
msgApp.bracket('This message is bracketed');
msgApp.bracket('This bracketed message is green','green');
msgApp.bracket('This bracketed message is red','red');
msgApp.bracket('You can change the tab amount of brackets','',1);
msgApp.bracket('Allowing you to have indenting','',1);


Screenshot of sout.js example output


Module Version
Chalk ^1.1.1


You can change the tab itself. This is great if you want much bigger tabs, or smaller tabs. It gives you options.

msgApp.tab = ' '

Pro tip: You can indent a whole object of messages, do this when your creating creating a new sout()

const msgApp = new sout('AppName', 1);

To do:

Task Progress
Remove Giant objects
of possible colors.
Push to public Done!
Load bar timer like npm on the table
Integrate A simple timer possibility
Road map:
  • Allow use of full chalk.styles object
  • minimize code footprint
  • give option of changing tab size.
  • Make sout.js public!
  • create a kick-ass load bar replica, similar to npm's load bar