ActiLife API

  • Document #: ATL12DOC06
  • Revision: N changelog
  • Revision Date: 2013-12-23

Prepared By:


The ActiLife API was developed so that other software products can utilize ActiGraph monitors outside of the ActiLife software itself. However, currently ActiLife must be installed on the machine that will communicate with the API. As with ActiLife, the ActiLife API is only supported in a Windows environment. However, a piece of software can be written that talks to any operating system over any protocol.

Technical information is also available.

Enabling the ActiLife API

The ActiLife API is supported as a opt-in feature only. It does not work with any ActiLife installation. This feature must be turned on for your product key. Please contact ActiGraph for more information.


Actions are sent to ActiLife to instruct it to either do something or return data.

Element Description Required Type
Action The action to be processed. Yes string
Args Array of nested elements to configure the action. No JSON

Example Action

    "Action": "WirelessIdentify",
    "Args": {
        "AntID": 124,
        "TimeoutSeconds": 30

Available Actions [A-Z]

Common Elements [A-Z]


Responses sent from ActiLife either describe that the requested action was processed successfully, failed for a given reason, failed for an unknown reason, or provide data as it becomes available to ActiLife.

Element Description Required Type
Response The action in which the response pertains to. Yes string
Success If the action completed without error. Yes bool
Error What went wrong, if anything. This value is sent with the response if success == false. No string
Args The original Args sent from the corresponding Action. No JSON

Common Elements [A-Z]

Error Responses [A-Z]

ActiLife API Flags

You can start ActiLife 6.7.0 or greater with the following flags to configure its behavior when using the API.

Suppresses messages and notifications from ActiLife. No GUI will be shown when ActiLife is started with this flag. Note: This will cause ActiLife to NOT show the upgrade prompt and effectively never be upgraded.