
device not recognised TFA

frlp542 opened this issue · 0 comments

hello guys

I have added a device (TFA Rainsensor) to my home assistant and it shows up as an unknown device.
but it's detected as the correct rain type.
(within rfxmngr it reports data and gets updates)
does this mean that the device is correctly working for RFXtrx ? As in Home assistant I can see a new device but of course it's unknown. It gets 1 time detected and doesn't update data. After a reboot it goes to an unavailable state.

Just figuring it out where to go to get this thing working properly.


This is my debug info in home assistant

2020-09-26 06:43:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Receive RFXCOM event: {'packet_type': 85, 'sub_type': 9, 'type_string': 'Unknown type (0x55/0x09)', 'id_string': '3c:eb', 'data': '0b5509003ceb000000006d79', 'values': {'Rain rate': 0, 'Rain total': 10.9, 'Battery numeric': 9, 'Rssi numeric': 7}}