
IT mode support

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Home Assistant release (hass --version):

I'm using HASS version 0.35.3

Python release (python3 --version):

Python 3.5.2


Docker container on Synology DSM 6

Description of problem:

Since today i own the RFXcom rfxtrx

I managed to add my Klik aan Klik uit switches.

Now i'm trying to add my Flamingo FA500 switches.
When i add the following lines to the config:

  platform: rfxtrx
  automatic_add: True

and press on on the remote i get 2 codes:
Image of hass
Here the log entries:

16-12-28 17:04:06 INFO (Thread-13) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Receive RFXCOM event from (Device_id: 001f2042 Class: LightingDevice Sub: 0)
16-12-28 17:04:06 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=switch.0b1100000001f20402000070, old_state=<state switch.0b1100000001f20402000070=off; friendly_name=0b1100000001f20402000070, assumed_state=True @ 2016-12-28T18:04:04.932438+01:00>, new_state=<state switch.0b1100000001f20402000070=on; friendly_name=0b1100000001f20402000070, assumed_state=True @ 2016-12-28T18:04:06.329269+01:00>>
16-12-28 17:04:06 INFO (Thread-13) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Receive RFXCOM event from (Device_id: a11 Class: LightingDevice Sub: 1)
16-12-28 17:04:06 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=switch.07100101410b0070, old_state=<state switch.07100101410b0070=off; friendly_name=07100101410b0070, assumed_state=True @ 2016-12-28T18:04:05.287064+01:00>, new_state=<state switch.07100101410b0070=on; friendly_name=07100101410b0070, assumed_state=True @ 2016-12-28T18:04:06.684900+01:00>>
16-12-28 17:08:48 INFO (Thread-13) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Receive RFXCOM event from (Device_id: 9ddd6632 Class: RFXtrxDevice Sub: 10)
16-12-28 17:08:51 INFO (Thread-13) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Receive RFXCOM event from (Device_id: 9c6d5032 Class: RFXtrxDevice Sub: 10)
16-12-28 17:08:52 INFO (Thread-13) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Receive RFXCOM event from (Device_id: 001f2045 Class: LightingDevice Sub: 0)
16-12-28 17:08:52 INFO (Thread-13) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Automatic add 001f2045 rfxtrx device (Class: LightingDevice Sub: 0 Packet_id: 0b11002b0001f20405010f70)

When i try to turn them on/off from hass it is not working.

I have looked around and with Domoticz it is working, here some info from RFXcom

Switch fa500_remote_A { rfxcom="<2622466.1:Command" } 
Switch fa500_remote_B { rfxcom="<2622466.2:Command" }
Switch fa500_remote_C { rfxcom="<2622466.3:Command" }
Switch fa500_remote_D { rfxcom="<2622466.4:Command" }

// Note: does not mimic the remote but uses another subtype and code which 
// should be learned to the socket separately 
Switch virtual_fa500s_switch_1 { rfxcom=">2061.1:LIGHTING5.IT:Command" } 
Switch virtual_fa500s_switch_2 { rfxcom=">2061.2:LIGHTING5.IT:Command" }

Is it possible to add the IT functionality to pyRFXtrx? Thanks

The IT functionality is already included. See here.

Unless I'm reading it wrong the logs you've posted above show your device as Device_id: 001f2045 Class: LightingDevice Sub: 0 which implies it is being detected as a LighwaveRF/Siemens device. But as it isn't working for you there must be something going wrong somewhere.

Have you tried pairing your other remote with the Flamingo switches and use that instead as a workaround for now?