
Learn the basics of GraphQL by building a simple GraphQL application🎉🎊🏹

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Blog Application GraphQL API

A blogging application that allows user create post, comments on post, filter post based on given criteria🎉🎊🏹

  • Users can signup and login
  • Login users can create posts
  • Login users can delete and update post
  • Users can comment on post
  • Users can filter post based on some criteria


  • Javascript
  • NodeJS
  • GraphQL
  • Express
  • GraphQL Yoga
  • Prisma
  • Prisma binding

Blogging Application



  • CLone this application
  • Download docker to host prisma container
  • run npm install
  • run npm run start:dev


Still in Development


  • Clone this Repository and raise a pull request