DependencyAttribute not supported
MistyKuu opened this issue · 3 comments
MistyKuu commented
When trying to resolve class which has DependencyAttribute in constructor parameters it will not work because it will not find implementation of this parameter. The issue is in this line
CanResolve should check if it contains DependencyAttribute and if it has then check if it's registered with this name. Something along these lines
private bool CanResolve(IUnityContainer container, ParameterInfo arg)
var dependencyAttributes = arg.GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType<DependencyAttribute>().ToList();
string name = dependencyAttributes.FirstOrDefault()?.Name;
if (arg.ParameterType.IsGenericType)
var gerericType = arg.ParameterType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
if ((gerericType == typeof(IEnumerable<>)) ||
gerericType.IsClass ||
return true;
return IsRegistered(arg.ParameterType);
bool IsRegistered(Type t) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)
? container.IsRegistered(t)
: container.IsRegistered(t, name);
DaniilSokolyuk commented
MistyKuu commented
What if you have named string or enum? Your solution just returns true but it should use named dependency
DaniilSokolyuk commented
Fixed here > f1e2891