
Transparency Caveats

Opened this issue · 0 comments

First of all, thanks a lot for the library, it's definitely unbelievable how many things are now possible using just node.

Since this issue is dedicated to transparency, I would also like to talk about a few things.

  • Is it possible to make it not clickable at all? (or some elements clickable while others not; maybe a function to make a region clickable or not) I'd like to use the library to display an overlay over a windowed app with some stats, those stats shouldn't really be clickable.
  • I've noticed anti-aliasing problems when using transparency. The background is keyed out leaving a harsh border (though it's not such big of a deal). In this example I set the transparentColor to black.
  • Last thing which would be nice, is the possibility of using RGBA.

Those are all just minor things, but I believe it would definitely improve the library in the use as an external overlay tool.