
Pageable request could return same subscription in response on different pages

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Dankoy commented


  1. GET http://subscriptions-holder/api/v1/tag_subscriptions?active=true&size=3&page=0
  2. Returned TagSubscriptions with id [16,9,14]
  3. Send new data in producer. Producer updated records in db (lastPermalink)
  4. GET http://subscriptions-holder/api/v1/tag_subscriptions?active=true&size=3&page=1
  5. Returned TagSubscriptions with id [18,10,9]
  6. Repeat 3)
  7. GET http://subscriptions-holder/api/v1/tag_subscriptions?active=true&size=3&page=2
  8. Returned TagSubscriptions with id [1]

TagSubscription with id [20] was ignored and never processed.

Probable solution - add sort to request (&sort=id,asc)