WheelsOnRent Car Rental System

Welcome to WheelsOnRent, a car rental system that allows you to rent cars and manage your car rental business seamlessly. This README will guide you through setting up and running the application locally.

Getting Started

To get started with WheelsOnRent, follow these steps after cloning the repository:

  1. Change your current directory to the project folder:

    cd wheelsOnRent_v2
  2. Initialize the database by running the following command:

    flask --app car_app init-db

    This command will create the necessary database tables.

  3. Run the application:

    flask --app car_app run

    The application will start, and you can access it by opening your favorite web browser and navigating to


To run WheelsOnRent, you'll need the following dependencies:

  • Flask: A Python web framework. You can install it using pip:

    pip install flask
  • Python 3: The application is written in Python 3, so ensure you have it installed on your system.

  • Other dependencies: Please refer to the 'requirements.txt' file in the project repository for additional dependencies. You can install them using pip as well:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


Feel free to reach out to the authors for any questions or contributions related to the project.

Happy renting! 🚗