Sailthru Magento Extension

For installation instructions, documentation, and examples please visit:

A simple client library to remotely access the `Sailthru REST API` as per http://getstarted.sailthru.com/developers/api

This extension does the following:

        1. Overrides all emails sent through Magento to be sent through Sailthru, allowing records of the emails to be kept.
        2. Maintains carts and sends abandoned cart emails, improving your rate of sale.
        3. Records all orders submitted.
        4. Adds all registered users along with their info to an email list, for easy and custom eBlasts.
        5. Adds subscribers to a separate list for simple newsletters.
        6. Adds Horizon and Sailthru Purchase API integration for learning user's interests.
	7. Adds Concierge for providing onsite, personalized product recommendations

===Manual Installation===

Step 1: Download Magento extension
  Note: You can also clone the latest branch under development using this URL instead:

cd /tmp
mkdir sailthru-magento
cd sailthru-magento
wget -O sailthru-magento.tar.gz https://github.com/sailthru/sailthru-magento-extension/tarball/master
tar -zxvf sailthru-magento.tar.gz --strip-components=1 --show-transformed-names

Step 2: Move into target directories

rsync -a app/ $MAGENTO_BASE/app/ --ignore-existing --whole-file
rsync -a js/ $MAGENTO_BASE/js/ --ignore-existing --whole-file
cd ..

Step 3: You will need to login to your admin account, clear Magento's cache, log out, and log back in again.

Step 4: Add your Sailthru API key and secret and other Sailthru settings on Magento's configurations page.