Build Notion-like, Craft-like, Coda-like, Medium-like editors with Yoopta
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Type Error with YooptaPlugin
#429 opened by SurajTechsmith - 5
[BUG] Attempted import error: 'deserializeHTML' is not exported from '@yoopta/editor'
#397 opened by nugmubs - 1
[BUG] Toolbar dropdown not work on safari
#451 opened by GrzegorzKastelik - 2
[BUG] Text color menu submits my form
#453 opened by Keneficka - 0
[BUG] Can't override the default style paddingBottom on the editor itself with the style prop.
#452 opened by Keneficka - 2
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[BUG] <elements>
#450 opened by Rockstar2K - 2
[BUG] Custom plugin elements are not copied while performing copy and paste
#448 opened by niraj-khatiwada - 0
[BUG] Regression in multi selection in v4.9
#449 opened by rob2244 - 0
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[Example Request]: Focus input to reveal keyboard
#436 opened by bpmckee - 0
[BUG] Text color picker delay
#446 opened by dcodesdev - 2
- 0
[FEATURE] add the possibility for a readonly block
#444 opened by Xusifob - 1
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[BUG] Block not found error with Tables when using the StarterKit package
#379 opened by Kieran-Riley1 - 0
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[FEATURE] Update UI in TodoList
#425 opened by Darginec05 - 1
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[FEATURE] Change text/bg colors with react-colorful picker for highlight mark
#419 opened by Darginec05 - 1
[BUG] Numeric List Continuation Issue
#431 opened by unreal0901 - 0
[FEATURE] Math functions
#426 opened by planten42ocr-webmaster - 2
[BUG] Arrow down/up not working when cursor on the end or in start of table row
#395 opened by Darginec05 - 2
[FEATURE] More video embed types (Loom & Wistia)
#388 opened by 5andu - 1
[FEATURE] Add icons to callout render
#416 opened by Darginec05 - 1
[BUG] When selecting text across blocks, all content will be selected by default.
#406 opened by johncodeai - 0
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Number of words in editor
#412 opened by Darginec05 - 0
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[BUG] c2 is not a function
#404 opened by flycran - 0
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[BUG] (on Mac) The cursor's behavior doesn't match expectations when the "enter" or "delete" (backspace) key is pressed in a Mandarin input context
#396 opened by effie77777 - 0
[FEATURE] Template variables
#400 opened by Darginec05 - 2
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[BUG] Drag handle is on the wrong side
#398 opened by AleksandrMalafeev - 0
[BUG] Bug when pasting html with nested mark nodes
#393 opened by Darginec05 - 0
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[BUG] Respect maxSizes for media plugins while pasting and uploading media files
#386 opened by Darginec05 - 1
[BUG] Clicking on backspace when in the middle of the block not focus cursor
#377 opened by Darginec05 - 0
[Tests] Write unit tests for Block operations
#390 opened by Darginec05 - 0
[BUG] Undo Completely Deletes Code Block
#384 opened by MahaRosomaha - 4
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[BUG] 500 Error on Redo in Numbered List and Bulleted List Blocks after Undo to Empty State
#381 opened by MahaRosomaha - 0
[Example Request]: Migration from V2 to V4
#378 opened by leo1104