RF library for SunBell Curtrains

I have 4 Sunbell curtains, that work on 433Mhz and I want to integrate them in my domotic system.

The logic samples show this kind of encoding, which I suppose to be Manchester.

Probably the message is composed by:

Preamble Transmitter address or sync Target Id Command Checksum

After some decoding attemps, i decided to simply retransmit the sampled signal.
The sampled signal I used for each of the 4 channels is:
automatic up: will open the curtrain
automatic down: will close the curtrain
fine up: while sent will slowly open the curtrain, or regulate inclination
fine down: while sent will slowly close the curtrain, or regulate inclination
stop: will stop automatic up or automatic down.

To use the library it's needed to
define RF_TX pin #define RX_TX 2
define the channel needed #define CHANNELx
(optional)to compile only automatic up/down #define RF_MINIMAL


1 channel 1 automatic-up
2 channel 1 automatic-down
3 channel 1 fine-up
4 channel 1 fine-down
5 channel 1 stop
6 channel 2 automatic-up
7 channel 2 automatic-down
8 channel 2 fine-up
9 channel 2 fine-down
10 channel 2 stop
11 channel 3 automatic-up
12 channel 3 automatic-down
13 channel 3 fine-up
14 channel 3 fine-down
15 channel 3 stop
16 channel 4 automatic-up
17 channel 4 automatic-down
18 channel 4 fine-up
19 channel 4 fine-down
20 channel 4 stop


//define rf transmitter pin
#define RF_TX 2

//define needed channels
#define RF_CHANNEL1
#define RF_CHANNEL2
#define RF_CHANNEL3
#define RF_CHANNEL4

//define if you need only automatic up/down
#define RF_MINIMAL

//include the library
#include "custom_rf_complete.h"

#define RESEND 20

void setup() {
  //set rf transmitter pin as output
  pinMode(RF_TX, OUTPUT);
  //led go brrrr

void loop() {
  //will send the code RESEND times (original 5)
  for(int i=0; i<RESEND;i++){
    rfsend(2); //channel 1 automatic-down!!!
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);


  1. Can I use for... Sure
  2. Will it work on my curtrains? Yes, push both buttons on the reciever and send a command for the choosen channel. N.B. this will exclude your remote
  3. But I want to use my remote!!! Ok, you can, sample your remote. You can convert .csv file to arduino code importing it in excelmodule.xlsx

Possible improvements

  1. Decode
  2. Using the same lenght delay instead of sampled signal (ex. 450us instead of 438us and 440us and...)

To Radaelli, I'm really impressed, the quality of the PCB it's astonishing!