
awesome wm

Primary LanguageLua


latest screenshot:

done things:

- added menu with icons
- close/maximize/tomaster popup menu on rightclick of taskbar (like other floating wms)
- displaying in the clients state (instead of showing only floating icon) on tasklist with [f] (floating) [m] (minimized) [t] (ontop) [s] (sticky)
- added useless gaps to the tiling layouts fair, spiral, tile
- added a shortcut-subpanel on topwibox, using run_or_raise for programs, also added some menues
- added notifications for brightness and volume using just naughty (github.com/intrntbrn/noti/)
- added notification for jabber msgs when iam not viewing jabber (other tag) using mcabbers hook function.
- added icons for common terminal apps (ncmpcpp, mcabber, weechat) at tasklist.lua
- added bookmark read functions to create menues showing my dwb- (best browser) and gtk-bookmarks
- on a dualscreensetup the 2th screen shows only a tasklist and has one tag (only a tray)

- mpd widget displaying current song (only visible wenn mpd is playing)
- gmail widget displays unread inbox count, using naughty to notify new mails. tooltip popup shows mailcount and subjects from all unread mails (edited vicious/gmail.lua)
- wifi widget displays link quality, tooltip popup shows SSID and channel.
- fs widget displays my root usage in %. tooltip popup shows "df -h".
- net downstream widgets shows the current downstream in kb/s. (only visible when online)
- cpu widgets shows current cpu load, tooltip popup shows the freq of all cpu cores, temp and fan speed
- ram widget shows memory load, tooltip shows a htop popup (using blingbling lib)
- volume widgets displays current volume or mute. click on icon toggles mute.
- battery widget displays current battery status, image changes on different load/status(disc/charging). also notifies on low battery (<10%) and auto suspends on <=3%
  tooltip shows current status (disc/charging), current usage in watt, remaining disc/charging time
- textclock widgets display H:M, click on the icons opens a calendar (using blingbling lib)
  textclock tooltip shows todays date and google calendar data by using gcalcli (reading gmail logins from ~/.netrc like gmail widget)

  to get gmail and gcalendar widget working correctly, create ~/.netrc with "machine mail.google.com login abc@gmail.com password xyz"