
Endpoint Checklist

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All possible endpoints can be found in common/svapi folder, regardless if they're used or not. Endpoints marked in bold are curently stubs. Some endpoints maybe marked as bold and checked. This depends on their "completeness".

  • achievement/initialAccomplishedList
  • achievement/pagingAccomplishedList
  • achievement/pagingUnaccomplishList
  • achievement/rewardOpen - Collect goal reward.
  • achievement/rewardOpenAll - Collect rewards from all completed goals.
  • achievement/unaccomplishList - List unaccomplished achievement by their filter category ID.
  • ad/changeAd
  • album/albumAll - List all acquired cards sequentially. *
  • album/seriesAll - List all acquired cards by their series.
  • announce/checkState - Update status information.
  • area/addReward
  • area/list
  • arena/cancelDreamSession
  • arena/cheerUnitDeck
  • arena/dailyRanking
  • arena/dreamLiveEnd
  • arena/dreamLiveGameOver
  • arena/dreamLiveStart
  • arena/matchLiveContinue
  • arena/matchLiveEnd
  • arena/matchLiveGameOver
  • arena/matchLiveStart
  • arena/matching
  • arena/moveUpStage
  • arena/privateMatchLiveEnd
  • arena/privateMatchLiveGameOver
  • arena/privateMatchLiveStart
  • arena/privateMatching
  • arena/read
  • arena/recoveryAutoPlayableCount
  • arena/rivalLiveContinue
  • arena/rivalLiveEnd
  • arena/rivalLiveGameOver
  • arena/rivalLiveStart
  • arena/sessionRanking
  • arena/tierRanking
  • arena/top
  • award/awardInfo - Get all titles acquired by user.
  • award/set - Set active title of user.
  • background/backgroundInfo - Get all wallpapers acquired by user.
  • background/set - Set active wallpaper of user.
  • banner/bannerList - Get currently available banners.
  • battle/battleInfo
  • battle/endRoom
  • battle/endWait
  • battle/gameover
  • battle/liveEnd
  • battle/liveStart
  • battle/matching
  • battle/startWait
  • battle/top
  • challenge/challengeInfo
  • challenge/checkpoint
  • challenge/continue
  • challenge/finalize
  • challenge/gameover
  • challenge/init
  • challenge/proceed
  • challenge/retire
  • challenge/status
  • challenge/top
  • class/commitChallengeMission
  • class/competitionFinalLiveEnd
  • class/competitionFinalLivePlay
  • class/competitionGameover
  • class/competitionGeneralRanking
  • class/competitionHallOfFame
  • class/competitionLiveEnd
  • class/competitionLivePlay
  • class/competitionOwnDeckRanking
  • class/competitionReady
  • class/competitionResult
  • class/competitionSpectateLive
  • class/competitionStartWait
  • class/entryFinal
  • class/entrySemifinal
  • class/gameover
  • class/livePlay
  • class/liveResult
  • class/selectCompetitionArea
  • class/selectCompetitionPromise
  • class/skipChallengeMission
  • class/top
  • class/voteFinal
  • class/voteSemifinal
  • comeback/achieveInfo
  • common/checkNgword
  • common/liveResume - Continue suspended live when relogin.
  • common/logger
  • common/recoveryEnergy
  • concert/liveContinue
  • concert/liveEnd
  • concert/liveGameOver
  • concert/liveInit
  • concert/livePartyList
  • concert/liveStart
  • concert/lootBoxPick
  • concert/lootBoxReset
  • concert/lootBoxTop
  • concert/top
  • costume/costumeList
  • costume/costumeStatus
  • costume/dressUp
  • costume/makeCostume
  • download/additional - Download single package ID by their package type.
  • download/batch - Download all packages specified by their package type.
  • download/event
  • download/getUrl - Download single file (used in micro downloads).
  • download/luaDownload *
  • download/update - Perform download to update client version.
  • duel/assistLog
  • duel/duelSubDeck
  • duel/endRoom
  • duel/endWait
  • duel/fixTime
  • duel/gameover
  • duel/gpsMatch
  • duel/leave
  • duel/liveEnd
  • duel/liveLog
  • duel/livePolling
  • duel/liveStart
  • duel/matching
  • duel/privateClose
  • duel/privateCreate
  • duel/privateJoin
  • duel/privateLeave
  • duel/privateMakeMatch
  • duel/privateOpenMatch
  • duel/privateStartWait
  • duel/startWait
  • duel/top
  • duty/allUserMission
  • duty/dutyInfo
  • duty/endRoom
  • duty/endWait
  • duty/gameover
  • duty/history
  • duty/historyDetail
  • duty/liveEnd
  • duty/liveStart
  • duty/matching
  • duty/privateClose
  • duty/privateCreate
  • duty/privateJoin
  • duty/privateJoinMatch
  • duty/privateLeave
  • duty/privateMakeMatch
  • duty/privateStartWait
  • duty/startWait
  • duty/top
  • effortPoint/selectLimitedBox - Select limited reward box when offered.
  • event/eventList
  • event/eventYellDeck
  • eventscenario/open
  • eventscenario/reward - Give player reward after reading main story for the first time.
  • eventscenario/startup - Start viewing event side story.
  • eventscenario/status - List all unlocked event side story.
  • exchange/itemInfo
  • exchange/owningPoint
  • exchange/usePoint
  • festival/continue
  • festival/deckList
  • festival/festivalInfo
  • festival/gameover
  • festival/liveReward
  • festival/liveSetList
  • festival/liveStart
  • festival/missionStatus
  • festival/top
  • festival/updateLiveList
  • freeLive/play
  • friend/expel - Remove user as friend.
  • friend/list - List friends.
  • friend/request - Send friend request to user.
  • friend/requestCancel - Cancel friend request to user.
  • friend/response - Accept or reject friend request.
  • friend/search - Find user ID from their invite code.
  • gdpr/detail
  • gdpr/get
  • gdpr/update
  • greet/delete - Delete private message.
  • greet/user - Send private message to user.
  • handover/abortTransfer - Cancel SIF2 transfer migration.
  • handover/create *
  • handover/exec - Perform account transfer using transfer passcode.
  • handover/kidCheck
  • handover/kidDelete - Unlink account from SIFID.
  • handover/kidHandover
  • handover/kidInfo - Check SIFID service status.
  • handover/kidRegister - Link account to SIFID.
  • handover/kidStatus - Check SIFID linkage status.
  • handover/reserveTransfer - Generate SIF2 transfer code for SIF2 migration.
  • handover/start *
  • item/exchange
  • item/list - List all items.
  • item/useBuff
  • item/useLotteryTicket
  • item/useReinforceItem
  • item/userRankUp
  • klab_id/kidInitialAccomplishedList
  • klab_id/kidPagingAccomplishedList
  • klab_id/kidPagingUnaccomplishList
  • klab_id/kidRewardOpen
  • klab_id/kidRewardOpenAll
  • klab_id/kidUnaccomplishList
  • klab_id/sync
  • klab_id/syncActivate
  • klab_id/syncDeactivate
  • lbonus/adReward
  • lbonus/execute - Perform login bonus check. Give player login bonus and login-related goals if necessary.
  • live/continue - Consume Love Gems to recover live show stamina.
  • live/gameover - End (cancel) live show.
  • live/liveStatus - Get all available live show and their status. Partially implemented.
  • live/partyList - Get available guests. Partially implemented. Only returns current user at the moment.
  • live/play - Start live show. Partially implemented. Does not consume LP at the moment.
  • live/preciseScore - Get live show play record.
  • live/publishPreciseScoreId
  • live/reward - Finish live show. Receive EXP and live show rewards and goals. Partially implemented. Some minor parts still TODO.
  • live/schedule - Get limited-time live show list.
  • liveicon/liveiconInfo - Get available live show icons.
  • livese/liveseInfo - Get available live show tap sound effects.
  • login/authkey - Perform stage 1 authentication.
  • login/login - Perform stage 2 (login) authentication.
  • login/startUp - Create new account.
  • login/topInfo - Get more user-related information.
  • login/topInfoOnce - Get more user-related information.
  • login/unitList - Get list of starter character card. Performed in account creation.
  • login/unitSelect - Select starter character card. Performed in account creation.
  • marathon/marathonInfo
  • marathon/top
  • multiunit/multiunitscenarioStatus
  • multiunit/scenarioReward
  • multiunit/scenarioStartup
  • museum/info - Get information about memories gallery.
  • navigation/specialCutin
  • notice/noticeFriendGreeting
  • notice/noticeFriendVariety
  • notice/noticeMarquee - Get in-game notice that shown as moving text.
  • notice/noticeUserGreetingHistory
  • online/deck
  • online/exhibitionResult
  • online/info
  • online/play
  • online/playExhibition
  • online/result
  • payment/history - Microtransaction history.
  • payment/month
  • payment/processLog
  • payment/productList - List of microtransactions.
  • payment/receipt - Process microtransaction. There's an easter egg in this endpoint when using debug client.
  • payment/setBirth - Set user day of birth to limit microtransaction spending.
  • payment/subscriptionRead
  • personalnotice/agree - Accept warning/infraction notice.
  • personalnotice/clearCache
  • personalnotice/get - Get user warning/infraction.
  • platformAccount/connectAccounts *
  • platformAccount/disconnectAccounts *
  • platformAccount/handover *
  • platformAccount/isConnectedLlAccount *
  • platformAccount/isConnectedPfAccount *
  • preciseScore/manualUpdate
  • profile/cardRanking - Get most loved cards by user. Stub implementation currently crashes client!
  • profile/liveCnt - Get amount of live show cleared by difficulty of user.
  • profile/profileInfo - Get user profile information.
  • profile/profileRegister - Set bio/introduction.
  • quest/continue
  • quest/gameover
  • quest/itemInfo
  • quest/owningSeal
  • quest/partyList
  • quest/questInfo
  • quest/questList
  • quest/questReward
  • quest/questStart
  • quest/useSeal
  • ranking/eventFriendLive
  • ranking/eventFriendPlayer
  • ranking/eventLive
  • ranking/eventLiveDetail
  • ranking/eventPlayer
  • ranking/live
  • ranking/player
  • reward/adReward
  • reward/exchange
  • reward/exchangeList
  • reward/open - Collect single item in present box.
  • reward/openAll - Collect up to 1000 items in present box, when situation allows.
  • reward/rewardHistory - List of present box history.
  • reward/rewardList - Get list of items in present box.
  • reward/sellUnit
  • reward/useLotteryTicket
  • rlive/continue
  • rlive/gameover
  • rlive/lot
  • rlive/play
  • rlive/reward
  • scenario/reward - Give player reward after reading main story for the first time.
  • scenario/scenarioStatus - List all unlocked main story.
  • scenario/startup - Start viewing main story.
  • secretbox/all - List all scouting banners.
  • secretbox/knapsackReset
  • secretbox/knapsackSelect
  • secretbox/multi - Perform 10+1 scouting.
  • secretbox/pon - Perform 1 scouting.
  • secretbox/selectPickUp
  • secretbox/selectUnit
  • secretbox/showDetail
  • secretbox/stampDetail
  • skit/skitInfo
  • sns/addReward
  • sns/getReward
  • stamp/set - Set stamp information.
  • stamp/stampInfo - Get stamp information.
  • subscenario/reward - Give player reward after reading character side story for the first time.
  • subscenario/startup - Start viewing character side story.
  • subscenario/subscenarioStatus - List all unlocked character side story.
  • tos/tosAgree - Agree to (updated) Terms of Service.
  • tos/tosCheck - Check if user already agreed to (updated) Terms of Service
  • tutorial/progress - Continue tutorial progression.
  • tutorial/skip - Skip the entire tutorial.
  • unit/accessoryAll - Get accessory.
  • unit/accessoryMaterialAll
  • unit/accessoryTab
  • unit/activate - Move unit out from waiting room.
  • unit/changeDelegate
  • unit/createAccessory
  • unit/deck - Modify team formation data.
  • unit/deckInfo - Get all team formation.
  • unit/deckName - Change team name.
  • unit/exchangePointRankUp - Idolize card using stickers.
  • unit/favorite - Mark unit as favorite.
  • unit/favoriteAccessory
  • unit/maxLevelUp
  • unit/merge - Practice card.
  • unit/mergeAccessory
  • unit/rankUp - Idolize card using another (same) card.
  • unit/removableSkillEquipment - Add or remove School Idol Skills (SIS) from a card.
  • unit/removableSkillInfo - List all SIS information and which card uses which SIS.
  • unit/removableSkillRankUp
  • unit/removableSkillSell - Sell SIS.
  • unit/sale - Remove card.
  • unit/saleAccessory
  • unit/setDisplayRank - Toggle display card between idolized and unidolized form. Stats are unchanged.
  • unit/supporterAll - List all support cards.
  • unit/unitAll - List all cards (excluding support cards).
  • unit/wait - Move card to waiting room.
  • unit/wearAccessory
  • user/abortDelete - Cancel account removal request.
  • user/addFriendMax - Increase max friends.
  • user/addUnitMax - Increase max units.
  • user/changeName - Change user name.
  • user/changeNavi - Change partner.
  • user/getNavi - Get current partner.
  • user/reserveDelete - Request account removal.
  • user/setBirth - Set user birthday (only shown in JP client due to GDPR).
  • user/setNotification
  • user/setNotificationToken - Unknown. Implementation currently crashes client.
  • user/showAllItem
  • user/userInfo - Get current user information.

* indicates endpoint that's possibly unused.